11 Sweet Reminders For Aching Souls Battling An Addiction
1. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you mess up, brush it off and begin again. You do not suck. You need time. Keep trying. Keep going.
2. You won’t be like this forever. You only need to persist. Relentlessly. An addiction can take years to get over. This is a journey. This is a fight. It will be long and it will be difficult. Damn difficult, dammit. But you will win. It’s a matter of when — not if.
3. It’s okay to trip and fall, but it’s not okay to stay on the ground and pretend like you can’t get up. You can. And I think you already know you can. Believe in yourself.
4. Try not to kick yourself or call yourself a loser. You are not. You are a winner behind the finish line. You are still running.
5. You are not in this for nothing. You will be stronger because of this. Without question.
6. “Approach the broken parts of you with love, not hate.” — Emmah Canning
7. Relapsed? Relax. Breathe. That’s normal.
8. Exercise works wonders. Go for a walk. Go for a run. Go for a swim. Workout. Dance. Thrash your body around. Whatever you do, just move. It helps. It clears your mind.
9. Be best buddies with failure. Because you will fail — a lot. But don’t let that get you down. Failure is here to help you. Failure is here to guide you. Failure is here to help you succeed — and eventually, you will. Forever.
10. Don’t give up. It’s hard — I know. But please. It will be worth it. I promise. Your life will change and be different in ways you never would have imagined. Ten years from now, you won’t recognize a thing.
11. You are not less of a person because of what makes you weak. We all struggle. We all have unique challenges. This addiction just happens to be yours. And it also happens to be fixable by a very capable you.