2 Zodiacs Who Are Always Way Too Hard On Themselves
Some zodiac signs have a strong drive to improve, and with that also comes way too much pressure that they put on themselves:
Virgos are detail-oriented, highly critical, analytical, and diligent perfectionists. This earth sign is far from down-to-earth because they are so anxious about bettering themselves and bettering their life. They set incredibly high standards for themselves and put pressure on themselves to meet those standards. They also believe other people put pressure on them and if they don’t meet those expectations, then they believe they are a failure.
Capricorns are quite headstrong, driven individuals. They are ambitious and more focused on achieving their goals and bettering themselves than anything else. While their growth mindset and ambition are admirable and inspiring, it can be a bit intense. They are incredibly self-critical and put way, way too much pressure on themselves to achieve more and to be better.