Thought Catalog Agency

2 Zodiacs Who Will Have Unexpected Luck On 12/12

On December 13th, Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn, the sign of success, hard work, and discipline. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn will be the most positively affected by this transit. Why? Because of the angelic energy protecting them just the day before, on 12/12.

1212 is an angel number that signifies positive, harmonious changes in relationships, career paths, and new adventures. It’s a message of hope from our guardian angels.

With that being said, these are the signs that will have some unexpected, yet beautiful, luck on 12/12:


Instead of jumping into your typical, insecure ways of doubting and judging yourself, you’re feeling more confident and compassionate. The energy of the New Moon and Retrograde has you putting ideas into motion, expressing yourself creatively, and feeling excited, inspired, and hopeful for the future. You’re thinking more positively and ultimately, attracting more positive things into your life. You finally feel like luck is on your side!


Your angel number is 1221, which represents positive change. You’re more optimistic than most people, so this transit has you embracing these new beginnings that are headed your way. You’re developing a clearer vision for your future and your deepest fantasies, as well as a newfound inspiration for your career. You’re ready and your good luck streak starts now!