Thought Catalog Agency

23 Things Every Person Should Do For Themselves In 2023

  1. Declutter. Nothing says a fresh start like getting rid of the things that no longer serve you. So, open up that junk drawer and see what can be tossed. Dig through your purse if you have one and get rid of those old receipts. Take books off your shelf that you’ve already read (or know deep down that you will most likely never get around to) and donate them. Sort through your clothes and donate or throw out anything that doesn’t fit right, is far too worn, or simply isn’t your style anymore.
  2. Journal daily. Even if it’s just one sentence per day, journaling is a great way to destress and also document your days because your days eventually become your life. In the years to come, you’ll be grateful you have an account of how you lived.
  3. Refresh your budget. Stay in one quiet Sunday morning at the start of the year and take a hard look at your finances. Comb through your bank statements and see where you could cut back on your spending. Create a Google Sheet of any debt and make an actionable plan to pay it off. Basically, just get your bearings about where you stand financially now so you can get to where you want to be by 2024.
  4. Unsubscribe to any emails that only take up space in your inbox. Use apps like Unroll.Me or Gmail’s unsubscribe plugin to get your inbox to a more manageable level.
  5. Cancel any paid subscriptions that you no longer use. Make sure anything you’re paying for is something you actually use. When you’re looking through your bank statements, see if there are any odd charges here and there for apps you may have forgotten you purchased subscriptions for. Then, cancel those subscriptions.
  6. Add one healthy habit to your life. It can be as simple as walking 1000 more steps per day, incorporating one more serving of greens into your diet daily, setting more intentional boundaries, or finally giving therapy a shot. Whatever it is, make a plan for how you’re going to achieve the habit and then get to work.
  7. Get rid of one unhealthy habit. Maybe you want to cut back on your alcohol consumption or perhaps you don’t have the healthiest relationship with social media. Whatever the vice may be, make an action plan to kick it to the curb. Just be sure to track your progress and celebrate the little wins along the way, too.
  8. Be honest with yourself about what isn’t working. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, your morning routine, something within yourself, your commute, or whatever, make a list of everything that isn’t working for you and why. While you don’t have to fix everything right away, simply practicing being upfront with yourself about what isn’t going the way you want is the first step to making the changes you’re wanting.
  9. Read. Whatever you like to read, read more of it this year.
  10. Check in with your mental health. Be honest with yourself about how you’re feeling mentally and emotionally. And if you’re struggling in any way, ask for help.
  11. Make a list of 12 new experiences you want to experience in 2023. One for each month of the year. For example, maybe you’ve always wanted to take a cooking class or maybe you’ve been dying to host a dinner party with your friends. Whatever it is you’re interested in experiencing, make a list and assign a month when you’re going to make it happen.
  12. Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel like shit. Curate your feeds to actually represent the people you care about, the things that inspire you, and the information you absolutely need.
  13. Make the effort to reconnect with someone you lost touch with that you regret letting go. Even if they don’t reciprocate, being vulnerable is always a worthy endeavor. And, if they do, you’ve rekindled an old connection you missed and that is always a good thing.
  14. Learn one new skill. Any skill. You could try cooking, weight-lifting, painting, crocheting, reading tarot, playing a new sport, understanding the stock market, becoming proficient in PhotoShop, etc.
  15. Make the appointments you’ve been putting off. You know the ones. Just do it.
  16. Organize your photos. Delete old screenshots on your phone, make albums for memories that make you happy, and print off your favorite snapshots and frame them.
  17. Commit to doing just one thing that scares you each month. Even if that “scary” thing is simply going on a date for the first time in a while or having a difficult conversation with your partner or wearing the crop top. Facing your fears is a great way to build confidence and show yourself that you’re worth the things you want.
  18. Dedicate one morning per week to being phone-free. If this causes you anxiety, give your loved ones a head up you’ll be away from your phone for the morning and can return any calls or texts in the afternoon. Take your power back and put your phone down. The present is calling you.
  19. Plan a staycation. You don’t need to leave your city in order to get a new perspective. Sometimes, learning to see where you live from a new vantage point can give you the fresh set of eyes you’ve been seeking. Plan a staycation for a weekend where there is a ton to do in your area. Try new restaurants, spend the day strolling around, and get to know where you live in a different way.
  20. Find one cause that is important to you and get involved. Getting involved in something bigger than yourself is always a fantastic way to feel more fulfilled and connected.
  21. Make a 2023 mood board. Use Canva and make a mood board of the energy you want to manifest for 2023. When you’re done, download the image and either print it out or make it your computer or phone background. This will keep it top of mind.
  22. List five things you’d change about yourself. Note which of these things you have the power to change and note which things are out of your control. Then do with that information what you will.
  23. List five things you’d never change about yourself. And, finally, remember life isn’t meant to be a constant self-improvement project. Not everything about you needs fixing or adjusting. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is appreciate (or at the very least accept) certain facts about your being. You’re not perfect. You’re human And that’s far more interesting anyway.