3 Signs Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening This Spring
Spring is an energetic time of awakening and renewal. While we’re all feeling reinvigorated by the return of sunshine and light, there are three zodiacs in particular who will have significant spiritual awakenings in store this spring. While they’re happening on different timelines and in unique ways, it’s still a significant transformation for the signs involved.
The way you see or relate to yourself is about to undergo a drastic change, but at first things may seem a little foggy. Ethereal and spiritual Neptune enters your sign on March 30, and suddenly you’re in another realm entirely. Though it may take some time to get used to your sea legs, this is the beginning of a death and rebirth process. Facets of your life and self may start to dissolve, and as you release you’ll find that you gain more insight into yourself and soul. This is the start of getting to know the spirit within, the true essence of who you are and what you came here to do. It’s no coincidence that you came into your season with both Mercury and Venus retrograde in your sign. There is a need to go inward, to review matters in your personal life— ask yourself if you’re living efficiently and according to your values. You are getting the chance to align with and tap into your soul, and this will lead to an even greater confidence and sense of self.
Things can get topsy turvy and feel beyond your control as The Great Awakener Uranus is moving through the last section, and higher degrees of your sign. You have experienced certain realizations about your personal life. Who you spend your time with, what you do for fun or even your general mindset may be undergoing a drastic transformation. To put it as simply as possible your consciousness is leveling up, you are seeing things like never before. Coupled with Neptune’s move into Aries and your spirituality tapped-in 12th House, your intuition and connection to your higher self are getting an upgrade. Trust your inner knowing, pay attention to your dreams especially and any messages that come from the spirit realm. You are being divinely guided through this change. Surrender what unfolds this spring because it’s leading you to something greater. Uranus moves into Gemini this summer, and you’re preparing for a whole new chapter of life.
Your awakening will likely arrive in late spring. Gemini season is always one of renewal for you, and from May 20, until your season arrives on June 20, take the time to go within. Make silence, solitude and relaxing a part of your daily routine as best as you can during this time. Put some extra effort and attention into your spiritual practices— and truly connect to the soul within. Enlightening Jupiter ventures into your sign on June 9, this brings expansion and growth to your higher mind/self. It is time to step into an abundance mindset, which will end up bringing security and stability into your life. While you have some lessons of your own to still learn, you may find that others are attracted to or seeking the knowledge you have to share. You are playing both the teacher and the student, but the wisdom you’ve acquired is your greatest asset. It’s time to use it to your advantage. Around this time you may find yourself committing to a greater purpose or cause, one that brings more meaning and fulfillment to your soul.