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3 Zodiac Duos Who Are Better Friends Than Lovers

Aries and Libra

Opposites attract! And these two bring out the best in one another. It’s a good give-and-take relationship — cooperative Libra is happy to give and Aries the leader is happy to take. Libra is good at bringing Aries down when they’re getting too fired up and Aries is good at teaching Libra to stand up for themselves. Libra and Aries are both social creatures and can always find something to do together. Libra throws the party and Aries is the life of it. They cherish each other’s company but can still maintain their individuality, which makes them a solid duo.

Gemini and Aquarius

This air-air duo works better as friends than lovers simply because there are no emotions and romantic passion to build on in the first place. It would take a lot of effort for them to get to a romantic place because Geminis are too flighty and often unreliable and Aquarians are a bit too emotionally reserved. As friends though, they work well. They enjoy each other’s company because of the stimulating, intellectual conversations they can have with one another. They both have the urge to run with their ideas (and they’re often on the same page about things) which is why they would use each other to their advantage.

Virgo and Capricorn

These two earth signs understand and know one another on a whole different level. These two make great friends — maybe even best friends — because they are both practical, grounded, and reserved. They are most likely the type of friends who sit on the couch and scroll silently on their phones but in each other’s company. With Virgo’s attention to detail and Capricorn’s ability to look at the big picture — these two are unmatched. For example, Capricorn would plan the beach day activities but Virgo would look for parking and make sure there are snacks and sunscreen in the bags. They are the ultimate duo.