Lany-Jade Mondo

3 Zodiacs Prone To Being Manipulated


Cancer, you’re a sensitive sign who loves to nurture those you care about. When it comes to manipulation, you’re likely to fall victim to those who want to take advantage of your sign’s kindness and loyalty. Your sign also tends to prioritize others over yourself, which may mean that you find it difficult to refuse manipulative requests or accidentally fall victim to unhealthy relationship dynamics.

Your sign’s strength when it comes to resisting manipulation is that Cancers tend to be empaths, so your intuition can guide you in determining who is really trustworthy. The only downside is that you can also often be an anxious sign, which may lead you to doubt your own instincts. Observe your relationships with those you care about from outside perspectives as well as your own; you would never treat your loved ones in the way a manipulator would treat you, so do your best to recognize signs that someone might be taking advantage of your sign’s caring attitude.


Libra, you’re a graceful individual who values doing what’s right above all else. You’re also a mediator at heart who wants to avoid personal conflicts at all costs. This can make it easier for you to fall victim to manipulation, especially in public. You might feel nervous or awkward about speaking up against someone using manipulation tactics, especially in a group setting – your sign’s natural inclination is to keep the peace, even if you’re left wondering whether or not you were right to do so later on. You might also feel more inclined to put up with these kinds of behaviors just so that you don’t have to confront someone taking advantage of you.

It might be useful to keep in mind, Libra, that you don’t necessarily have to have a big confrontation in order to cut toxic relationships out of your life. Doing a slow fade or ‘grey-rocking’ a manipulator (avoiding giving any kind of personal insight or information) might help you to refuse their tactics without confronting them face-to-face. Keep in mind, though, if you do conflict with a manipulator at some point, it’s not a bad idea for you to practice setting your boundaries and standing your ground should it come to that.


Taurus, your sign is likely to fall victim to manipulation when it comes from someone you’re comfortable around. You prioritize stability and security no matter what. This doesn’t just involve your environment or your daily routine; it also occurs with the people you’re used to having around. Even though you might subconsciously recognize that it’s time to cut certain relationships out of your life, you can find it extremely difficult to do so when you rely on a manipulator for comfort and security. To you, that’s stepping outside of your comfort zone to the extreme; you’re removing someone you care about in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable and insecure. This leaves more room for manipulators to take advantage of you because they know you won’t want to leave.

Your loyalty is a major positive of your sign’s personality, Taurus, but you can always try to divide your attention between multiple personal relationships at once to keep yourself in balance if you need to cut a toxic relationship out of your life. Try to ensure you have multiple friends and family members to reach out to if you need support or advice; this can make it easier for you to adjust to cutting a manipulator out of your regular routine. You may also benefit from slowly seeing them less and less, giving yourself time to adjust to life without them (and time to experience the positives of no longer having them around). The best thing you can do for yourself is to focus on change and growth when it comes to your relationships, even if you want to prioritize comfort in the moment.