Jacqueline Whitney

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Soulmates Might Just Be Their Platonic Best Friends

Not all soul connections are created with romance. For some zodiac signs, their true soulmates could very well be their platonic best friends. These connections transcend the typical notions of love, delving deep into the realms of spiritual and emotional kinship.


Gemini flourishes in environments where communication is king and ideas can bounce freely from soul to soul. It’s no wonder that for Gemini, a soulmate doesn’t necessarily share a romantic spark but rather an intellectual one. Gemini thrives in relationships that are built on mutual respect, understanding, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Their ideal soulmate is someone who can talk through the night about everything under the stars, challenge them intellectually, and journey with them on spontaneous adventures. This sign often finds that their platonic friends fulfill their need for a deep and meaningful connection more completely than any lover could.


Sagittarius is forever in pursuit of truth and something greater. Their ideal soulmate is someone who can embark on these quests with them, whether it’s a literal journey across continents or a metaphorical one through the realms of philosophy and belief. Sagittarius values freedom and the joy of discovery, traits they seek in their companions. A platonic best friend who is equally enthusiastic about exploring the unknown, who can debate philosophically one moment and share in hearty laughter the next, often holds the key to a Sagittarius heart. In this bond, there is no need for romantic entanglements to deepen the connection, as their friendship alone offers a fulfilling soulmate experience.


Aquarius walks a path less trodden. As a sign that cherishes independence and originality, they often seek out those who respect their need for space and freedom. An Aquarian’s soulmate is someone who not only embraces their unique perspective on the world but also shares their larger than life visions. This air sign finds soul-deep connections with those who can collaborate on large-scale projects, dreaming up ways to make the world a better place. For Aquarius, a platonic best friend who shares their ideals and respects their quirks can often become a lifelong companion, transcending the boundaries of conventional romantic partnerships.