3 Zodiacs Experiencing A Cosmic Revelation This Month (Thanks To Mercury In Aquarius)
Mercury, the planet of knowledge and our celestial messenger, joins the Sun in the eccentric, forward-thinking, cerebral sign of Aquarius on January 27, where it will remain until February 14.
Our minds shift to a more expansive, imaginative mode, fostering both creative and collaborative thinking. Mercury’s journey through Aquarius challenges our preconceived notions and long-held beliefs, making us more open-minded. We’re keen on introducing and accepting new, innovative, and progressive ideas. This transit boosts our ability to be more objective and detached from our emotions, encouraging us to embrace higher perspectives, be more decisive, and find necessary solutions.
Soon after making its way into Aquarius, Mercury links up with Pluto. You can expect a good dose of introspection and self-exploration, as well as transformative (and potentially intense) conversations with others. Don’t be surprised to unearth hidden truths about yourself and those who surround you. This conjunction merges the conscious and unconscious realms, shedding light on what was previously obscured. You’re forced to confront the innermost parts of yourself, including the darkest. As you dig deep beneath the surface, you may access profound insights that completely transform your outlook on life, your motivations, your desires, or your relationships.
During Mercury’s transit in Aquarius, three zodiac signs will experience cosmic revelations, bringing them a strong sense of clarity and purpose.
Mercury, your planetary ruler, joins the sun in fellow air sign Aquarius, sparking up your expansive Ninth House of higher learning, philosophy, and adventure. During this time, your personal beliefs are challenged through eye-opening experiences, conversations, connections, learning, and experimentation. This transit inspires you to step well beyond your comfort zone. You might get the urge to travel, go somewhere you’ve never been, or partake in activities or experiences you never have before. Perhaps you’ll decide to enroll in a class, sign up for a workshop, or take up a new hobby. As you’re guided by a more open-minded and bold version of yourself, you’re mentally approaching things from new angles and avant-garde perspectives. This will lead to cosmic revelations surrounding your long-held ideas, personal growth, future, and thought process. You’re rethinking your outlook on the world and your role in it. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself reconsidering a previous choice or aspiration. Make sure to set intentions for any new desires that emerge on February 3, when Mercury harmonizes with lucky Jupiter in your sign.
You’ve been evolving into your highest, most authentic self lately, Aquarius. This transit is no exception. Mercury’s journey through your sign is going to be an incredibly empowering time for you. Insights from a deeper aspect of your awareness will uncover truths about your personal identity, future vision, and desires. During this period, you’re discovering who you truly are and the person you wish to become. The Universe is sending you a message to start embracing your individuality, as well as revealing how to use that uniqueness to manifest your aspirations. On February 3, Mercury forms a harmonizing trine to abundance-granting Jupiter in your Fifth House of self-expression, pushing you to step into your authenticity and connect to your wildly eccentric and imaginative nature. With your creative interests piqued, you’re bound to discover more of what it is that sparks you up and makes you feel inspired. Expect newfound clarity when it comes to how you express your ideas and turn them into a tangible reality. New connections or stimulating conversations with others will resurface parts of you that you had long lost touch with.
You’ve taken a step back from the hustle and bustle since Aquarius season started, withdrawing from others and traveling inward. Your introspective state will intensify when Mercury meets the Sun in the sign of Aquarius, with both celestial bodies in your Twelfth House of spirituality, subconscious, and self-undoing. You’re feeling a stronger need for self-reflection and nurturing your psychological well-being, becoming extremely aware of your innermost self and your greatest needs. During this period, you’ll be even more in touch with your intuition. Listen to what it’s saying to you. Give it your entire trust. Your deepest memories, buried emotional wounds, and hidden desires are rising to the surface. Don’t be resistant to them, no matter how uncomfortable or painful confronting them may be. Be receptive to these cosmic revelations unearthing what parts of you still need healing, where you need closure, what cycles must come to an end, and any inner calling you may have been ignoring. You’re getting clarity about the past, what you’ve been suppressing, and what (and who) you need to release. Expect answers for overcoming your fears, especially where it concerns expressing your thoughts and ideas. Pay attention to your dreams, for it’s where you’ll find much of what you seek.