3 Zodiacs Most Vulnerable To Energy Vampires
You know the type – the person who always makes you feel exhausted, like they are sucking the life force out of you just by being in their presence. They are called energy vampires, and they feed off of your positivity. Whether they’re constantly complaining, criticizing you, making endless requests, or starting drama, energy vampires can’t get enough of your time and attention – and they never take the hint that they’re draining you. Here are the zodiacs who are most susceptible to energy vampires, and what these star signs can do to set healthy boundaries.
Cancer is one of the zodiacs most vulnerable to energy vampires because they are so genuinely kind and caring. Guided by the moon, the celestial body of emotions and divine feminine energy, Cancers are loving and maternal. They’re natural caretakers who enjoy being of service to others and making them feel good.
Energy vampires gravitate toward Cancers because they can sense this zodiac’s empathy. Cancers tend to take on other people’s feelings as their own, making themselves responsible for others’ emotions. Energy vampires know that when they’re unhappy, their Cancer friend will be unhappy too, and will also do all the emotional work to make them both feel better.
It’s easier said than done, but Cancers can shield themselves from energy vampires by learning to distinguish other people’s emotions from their own. They can be a good friend, partner, or co-worker without catering to people who constantly drain them. Cancers must pay attention to how they feel after spending time with someone: do they feel recharged, loved, and inspired? Or do they feel exhausted, judged, and irritated? By recognizing their own emotions, they can identify who is taking advantage of their kindness and sapping their positive energy.
Virgos are so susceptible to energy vampires because they love to help, and they just can’t stop themselves from trying to solve other people’s problems. There’s nothing an energy vampire loves more than an endless supply of attention and support from someone who is genuinely invested in resolving their issues.
Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, Virgos are exceptionally bright and perceptive. They are good at fixing things because they quickly and easily spot flaws, and they feel responsible for making the necessary repairs. Virgos are also quite patient and good at listening, so energy vampires flock to them to complain about their issues, knowing this zodiac sign will give them the attentive audience they crave. As a logical earth sign, Virgos dispense practical, useful advice – but they don’t stop there. This star sign is willing to get their hands dirty to help their loved ones, doing whatever it takes to give them what they need – what more could an energy vampire ask for?
Virgos can protect themselves from energy vampires by asking themselves a series of logical questions when they’re feeling overwhelmed: Is this really my problem? Do I have the time, energy, and desire to work on this problem, or am I at capacity? Does it make me feel good to help, or am I feeling drained, resentful, or used? Do I really want to work on this task, or do I just think that no one else can/will do it correctly? By taking stock of their emotions after dealing with someone else’s issues, Virgos can learn to separate what feels good and is a positive use of their time versus an energy vampire draining their life force with their endless problems.
Libras are targets for energy vampires because they are natural people-pleasers who hate confrontation. Energy vampires can sniff out a Libra from a mile away – as one of the most accommodating star signs, these vampires know that Libras will tolerate a great deal of draining.
As the sign represented by the scales, Libras are all about justice and harmony. They want everyone to be treated equally and can’t stand for any sort of unfairness. When an energy vampire approaches with their problems, Libras want to help make it right. Even once a Libra realizes they are being used or taken for granted, they struggle to stand up for themselves. They’ll bend over backward to please others, including people they don’t particularly like, just to avoid conflict.
The best way for Libras to stop letting energy vampires deplete them is to do the one thing they dislike the most – say no. When energy vampires make yet another outlandish request or start venting about their problems again, Libras need to hold up a hand and stop them in their tracks. “No” is a complete sentence – they don’t need further explanation than that. Stop answering all their calls, responding to their texts, and giving in to their demands. Yes, the energy vampire may bristle at boundaries – but they will find someone else to leech off of soon enough, and Libras can invest their energy into the people and activities that fill their cup instead of draining it.