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3 Zodiacs That Will Crush Job Interviews Right Now (When Mercury Conjuncts Venus)

On August 7th, communicative Mercury conjuncts persuasive Venus in intelligent Virgo. This is great news for three job-seeking zodiacs. Not only will these signs make a fantastic impression, but they’ll convince interviewers that they’re the only viable candidate for the job. The result will be a swift job offer. 

If these zodiacs aren’t satisfied with the initial terms, they can negotiate far better ones. The secret to their success is making a list of non-negotiables, as well as “nice to haves.” Use this energy for the next week and even into late August to find that dream job.


The Mercury-Venus conjunction occurs in the Ram’s 6th House of Work and Daily Responsibility. This allows Aries to communicate their strengths (inspired leadership, ability to work independently, and honesty) in a compelling way. ProTip: researching the company in question will work to this zodiac’s advantage. 


It stands to reason that the Virgo will be everybody’s favorite job candidate when Mercury, their ruler, aligns with gracious Venus. The secret to the Virgin’s success in job interviews is to listen carefully to questions, pause to reflect on what is being asked, then give a thoughtful response. This zodiac should also do research into what professionals with their skillset should make, then ask for the top salary. 


On August 7th, Mercury and Venus alight in the Archer’s 10th House of Career Matters. There is no better time for this zodiac to apply for jobs. Instead of settling for an easy position that pays the bills, Sagittarius should actively pursue their dream job. Any work related to coaching, traveling, journalism, publishing, teaching, or spirituality can bring tremendous satisfaction.