3 Zodiacs That Will Defy Authority in Late February (When Mars Goes Direct)
On February 23rd, brave Mars goes direct in protective Cancer. This marks an exciting time for 3 zodiacs who will challenge oppressive rules, leaders, and systems. Not only will these signs confront these intolerable situations and people, but they will prevail over them. Read on to see if you’re one of the heroes who will help cause empires to topple and autocrats to slink away in shame.
Direct Aries will confront a manipulative family member or restrictive homeowner’s association in the final days of February. While this person or organization pretends to be concerned about the wellbeing of others, their limiting rules are really a way to wield power. The Ram won’t stand for this nonsense any longer. After flagrantly breaking the rules, this zodiac will give others the courage to ignore these dumb directives, too.
Fair-minded Libra is done with a patronizing leader or organization. During the final week of February, this respected zodiac will demand a greater measure of control over their own decisions, actions, and routines. At first, their demands will be met with scorn. After the powers-that-be realize how much support this challenge receives, they’ll give in with bad grace.
Optimistic Sagittarius is ready to shine its light into the heart of darkness at the end of February. Reporting an abusive employer, launching an investigation of a corrupt official, or confronting an unfaithful partner are among the possibilities. Ordinarily, the Archer prefers to keep communications light and friendly. However, their honest nature doesn’t permit this zodiac to ignore villainy.