Emre Aslıhak

3 Zodiacs Who Have Enough Courage To Pursue True Love Before April Ends

Just as the seasons themselves change to reflect the passing of time, late April brings with it a tide of new adjustments to each sign of the zodiac. As the weather warms and the flowers begin to bloom, certain zodiac signs might be influenced by sudden changes in their personality, including a newfound sense of self-confidence and a reinvigorated desire to meet that special someone in their life. These signs should consider pursuing these prevailing romantic interests, capitalizing on their courageous new attitudes to either solidify a pre-existing relationship or construct an entirely new one.


As this Mercury retrograde gets underway, you’ll find yourself evaluating every aspect of your life, be it personal relationships, career prospects, or individual characteristics of your personality. As you ponder the deeper questions related to who you are and the kind of person you want to be, you’ll be better inclined to take great risks moving forward, reinventing your life from the ground up. Along with taking exciting steps forward in your professional endeavors, you’ll approach the dating scene with renewed vigor, allowing you to better reflect on what you’re looking for in a romantic partner.


While most people might reflect on themselves at the start of April, you, Libra, will be more concerned with your connection to others. As you take stock of your current friendships and ongoing romances, you’ll meditate on how each one of your relationships has altered who you are (for better or for worse). Such deeper introspection might lead you to reconnect with an old flame from your past, or even allow you to reexamine long-dormant romantic feelings for special friends who have stuck by your side. Rather than shying away from said feelings, follow your instincts and embrace them, letting it guide you down paths you’d never imagined in the months prior.


April may mark the beginning of a new month, but for Sagittarians, the season is all about the past. Whether reestablishing former friendships or coming face to face with an ex-romantic partner, you’re more than likely to encounter a few familiar faces from days gone by this April. But don’t let this intimidate you–in fact, it’s almost certain that you and that former flame in your life have changed dramatically since you last saw each other. Why not follow through with their invite for a quick afternoon cup of coffee? After all, the future isn’t yet written, with such an encounter potentially reigniting some romantic feelings you long believed had cooled.