3 Zodiacs Who Hold Onto The Wrong Relationship For Too Long
Allef Vinicius

3 Zodiacs Who Hold Onto The Wrong Relationships For Too Long

Some zodiacs are going to bolt at the first sign of trouble — but other signs are going to stick with their partner through good times and bad. Leaving isn’t an option in their mind. They’re set on making the relationship work. Here are a few zodiacs who end up holding onto the wrong relationship for too long:


This sign will do anything in order to make their person happy – even at the cost of their own happiness. They aren’t going to recognize when it’s time to leave, when the relationship is past the point of saving. They’re always going to strive to fix what is broken, to protect their person, to give every ounce of love inside of their heart. Unfortunately, this can cause them to get taken advantage of by the wrong partner. After all, they are going to continue to give and give when the other person has stopped trying completely. Cancers aren’t afraid to put in effort, which works to their advantage sometimes – and is their downfall other times. They need to learn when to let go. Otherwise, they’re going to end up exhausting themselves for someone who has already checked out of the relationships a long time ago.


Even though this sign has high standards, they are fixers. They aren’t going to want to walk away once problems pop up in the relationship. Their first instinct will be to examine the problem and come to a compromise. Since they are perfectionists (and also have a stubborn side) they won’t want to admit that they were wrong to pick this person. They won’t want to end the relationship prematurely when they feel like there’s more that could be done. They’ll stick around and try to glue the pieces back together. They aren’t afraid of hard work, so they don’t mind how time consuming and exhausting this might be. But if the other person isn’t willing to put in effort too, a Virgo is only wasting their time. They’re trying to fix a relationship that is beyond repair because they don’t want to admit they are powerless in this situation. They want to hold onto the illusion that they have control, that they can put the relationship back on track.


Capricorns aren’t going to get into a relationship with someone, unless they deem that person worthy of their time and attention. Since it’s so rare for them to meet someone who makes them want to put their heart on the line, they aren’t going to give up the relationship without a fight. They aren’t going to let go of this person after they’ve let themselves grow attached. They are going to try to make the relationship work, even if it means sacrificing things that they love. Capricorns aren’t interested in playing the field. They want to pick their person and stay with that person forever, so they are going to resist walking away once they’ve already started to build a life together. They are going to do whatever it takes to convince the other person to stay – even if it means making themselves miserable in the process.