3 Zodiacs Who Should Focus Their Efforts During The Full Moon In Taurus (11/15)
The Full Moon in your sign lands in your first house of self and new beginnings, which governs the impressions you make, how you take initiative, how you navigate the world, individuality, personal aspirations, and image. This is a time to focus your efforts on being bolder and stepping into a more authentic version of yourself. Who do you want to become? How can you start embodying that person? It all starts with being unapologetically you. Stop hiding parts of yourself out of fear of judgment. Stop making yourself small to be more palatable for others. Stop holding yourself back from sharing your true self. Be confident in your own skin. Accentuate your best assets. Develop a signature personal style. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your hair, makeup, and clothes. It’s also important that you’re self-assured on the inside. Embrace your unique strengths and talents. How can you use them to materialize the personal goals you want to direct your attention to next? Let this Supermoon catapult you into taking more risks and putting yourself out there. Zero in on the next chapter of your life, Taurus. It’s waiting for you to turn the page.
The Supermoon in Taurus shines the spotlight on your Sixth House of wellness, responsibilities, and daily routine. You need to focus on what sustained steps you can start taking in your everyday life to step into a more successful and healthy version of who you are. Place effort into shattering toxic habits and freeing yourself from patterns not conducive to the life you want to live. How can you improve your work ethic on a daily basis? How can you boost your productivity? How can you start holding yourself more accountable for reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself? How can your schedule be more devoted to your aspirations? It’s going to take change. It’s going to take a lot of work. It’s going to take consistency. It’s equally important that you also draw your attention to your well-being—mental, emotional, and physical. Self-care isn’t something to just dabble in every once in a while. You need to implement practices in your day-to-day that help you recharge and recenter. Whether it’s a hot bath, a journaling session, meditation, a walk outside, or exercise, partake in what brings you peace of mind. Take care of yourself, Sag.
You need to use this Supermoon to start focusing your efforts more on what lights you up. Prioritize anything that fuels your passion and gives you a greater sense of fulfillment. The Full Moon in Taurus activates your Fifth House of pleasure, joy, creativity, self-expression, and romance. If there are any hobbies or side gigs you’ve been wanting to pursue, now’s the time to do it. Is there a practice or talent you want to start taking more seriously? Have the courage to deep dive into it. Don’t be afraid to follow your inspiration. Let yourself be proud of your creative output. It’s also important that you zero in on more of what makes you happy, even if it seems small or silly. Want to read more books? Paint more? Start a collection? Get into it, especially if it helps you connect with your inner child. Don’t forget about the matters of the heart, Capricorn. Sparks are sure to fly, if you’re open to it. Whatever walls you need to break down to explore love again, start working on it. If you’re in a relationship, work on bringing the electricity back into your relationship. How can you make it feel exciting again? How can you deepen the connection you have with your partner? How can you prioritize each other more?