3 Zodiacs Who Should Seek A New Adventure During The New Moon In Sagittarius (12/1)
Use its energy wisely and this New Moon in Sagittarius can be the catalyst for an eye-opening, expansive period for you over the next six months. You’re inherently a confident and curious person, Aries, and this lunation is supercharging those traits. This is a time for challenging yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone. As your Ninth House of adventure, worldview, and learning is activated, reflect on how you can invite new experiences into your life. How can you open your mind up to new ideas? In what unexpected places could inspiration lie? Where could you be forging new connections? What uncharted territory do you want to explore? Start now, even if it’s small. Shake it up a little by disrupting your regular routine. Go to happy hour somewhere new. Shop for groceries at a different store. Sign up for a workshop or class to dive deeper into something that interests you. Begin saving for that dream trip of yours. Take risks and make some bold moves. Do something completely spontaneous.
You’re feeling extra fiery during this New Moon in Sagittarius, which lights up your Fifth House of pleasure, romance, and creativity. This lunation calls on you to center your joy and make more room in your life for the things that light you up. Make time over the weekend to reconnect with your inner child. Try to remember a time when you were younger. What was it that filled you with wonder and hope? What interested you? What made you happy? What places did your imagination take you? Become reacquainted with those things, whether it’s a hobby, craft, or indulgence. Then, reflect on what fuels your passion as an adult. Strive for a more fulfilled you by incorporating more of those things into your life over the next six months. You owe it to yourself to prioritize what you find inspiring and meaningful. Take risks and embark on new adventures, even if it feels intimidating. Transform your life into your greatest work of art. Now’s also the time to act bolder when it comes to matters of the heart (and the bedroom). Explore and experiment with your partner. Make your relationship feel new again. If you’re single, date someone entirely different than you usually go for. Connect in unexpected ways.
What do you want to accomplish in the new year? This New Moon is a time for you to set your intentions. Aim high. There is no dream too big and no desire too deep. Visualize yourself reaching your goals, embodying the person you want to become, generating prosperity and abundance, having meaningful connections, basking in joy, loving and being loved by the person of your dreams, and leaving your mark in the world. This lunation is the catalyst for a new and exciting chapter in your life. Wield its energy right, and you’ll be entering your most empowered era. The next six months are going to be a period of profound personal growth. It’s important that you challenge yourself, act bolder, take more risks, chase new experiences, and embark on new adventures. You are the author of the story of your life. What does your transformation look like? How do you want to be known? You’re a fearless creature, Sag. Nothing’s going to stop you from putting yourself out there and chasing new opportunities. Expose yourself to all the possibilities.