Tara Robinson

3 Zodiacs Who Should Turn Inwards During 2024’s Fall Equinox (9/22)


Fall Equinox marks the beginning of your season. The sun shifts into your zone of self, electrifying your first house of individuality, focus, personal ambitions, and new beginnings. In the coming weeks, you’re going to be feeling energized, extra confident, eager to pursue passion projects, incredibly social, and perhaps even ready for personal reinvention. It would be a good idea for you to welcome autumn by resting and turning inwards, so that you may be prepared to embark on the new era that awaits you. This day is for letting go of what no longer serves you. Spend time reflecting on everything that keeps you confined and that throws off the balance in your life—old habits, unhealed emotional wounds, draining relationships, toxic behavioral patterns, situations that don’t align with your values. This introspection should also include thinking about how you can better set and enforce boundaries. Release your need to please other people, and put yourself first. There’s no time like this fall to start making decisions that center your happiness and pleasure. Put some serious thought into what that joy entails. What do you desire? What are your dreams? How can you realize them? Who are you? Who do you want to become? How can you start honoring that person? Are you ready to step into who you were always meant to be? 


For you, the arrival of fall is always a profound experience, with the sun making its way into your zone of spirituality and self-undoing. The Equinox shines light on your subconscious mind, surfacing old wounds, but also forcing you to find closure and do the necessary healing. More than likely, you’re feeling like slowing down and retreating from the external world. It would do you well to give into that and take some time to tune into your inner world. Get grounded during this time. Connect with yourself. Explore your psyche. It’s important that you prioritize introspection. Reflect on the changes you need to make and be honest with yourself about the pain you need to release to promote inner peace. Be mindful of the practices you need to incorporate into your life to boost your emotional and psychological well-being. Journal. Meditate. Lounge around. Take a long bath. Partake in rejuvenating activities. Do nothing. Let this be a restful day spent in solitude. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that may arise. Venus falls into your sign on the Equinox, highlighting your desires and heightening your abilities to manifest them. Take note of them. Define them on this day, and spend the season ahead chasing them—you’ll be magnetic from here on out until 10/17. 


The Fall Equinox is a time for slowing down and confronting our innermost darkness—the aspects of ourselves that keep us confined, the parts that need healing, and the truths we try to suppress. This is especially true for you as the sun moves into your powerful eight house, forcing you to dive into deep waters. Autumn will be a profoundly transformative period for your sign—one with great potential for pushing you to reclaim your personal power. With the fierce Lunar Eclipse in your sign just behind you, it would serve you well to spend the Equinox alone and turning inwards, reflecting on how you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world you inhabit. As you practice introspection, ask yourself what unhealthy attachments to the past you need to sever. Any emotional wounds you need to heal from? Old relationships you need to leave behind? Toxic habits you need to break? Think about the behavioral patterns that keep you from opening up and forming healthy emotional bonds. Take note of the relationships that lack reciprocity and fail to bring harmony into your life. Brainstorm on how you can work harder towards clearing your debts. Your metamorphosis is going to take uncomfortable and hard work, but you can do it. Just imagine the empowered, liberated, and evolved you that will emerge once you shed the skin that no longer fits your mold.