
3 Zodiacs Who Should Use The New Moon In Capricorn As A Clean Slate (12/30)


The New Moon in Capricorn can be the catalyst for a deeply transformative period for you if you let it. It lands in your powerful Eighth House of transformation, rebirth, and intimacy. Think of this as an opportunity to shed old skin and release what no longer serves you. Enter the new year free from all that confines you—outdated beliefs, fears, old habits, toxic patterns, draining dynamics, and relationships you’ve outgrown. Step into a more evolved, empowered version of yourself. Cut your attachments to the past and look towards the future. This lunation is also a chance to deepen your most intimate bonds. Challenge yourself to be more vulnerable. Strengthen the foundations of your most meaningful relationships. While you’re tending to your connections with others, don’t forget to tend to the one you have with yourself. This means learning to embrace the shadow sides of yourself that you typically keep hidden, reject, or suppress. Hold space for those parts of you. Learn to forgive the past versions of yourself who may not have acted in a way you’re proud of now while you were still healing


The New Moon joins the Sun in your sign, offering you the opportunity to step into a new era. This lunation falls in your First House of self, new beginnings, and how you take initiative. Think of it as a reset and an opportunity for newfound clarity. Take some time to clearly define your long-term aspirations and personal goals. Reflect on your true desires, your passions, and the person you want to become. Examine how your actions can start aligning with your life’s purpose and who you want to embody. If you haven’t yet, get serious about setting your intentions for the new year. Anything is possible, Capricorn. You can manifest any reality, so long as you do it in a way that honors your most authentic self. How do you want to be perceived by others? How do you want to perceive yourself? What’s the future you envision? How can you start being more assertive? This is your chance to reinvent yourself, to grow, and to realize your ultimate potential. Embrace the real you. 


The New Moon in Capricorn activates your Twelfth House of closure, healing, and your subconscious mind, holding a mirror to what needs to be released and what needs to be healed. This is an opportunity to let go of old wounds, shed old patterns, and undergo renewal. It’s important that you carve out time to spend alone under this lunation, as it’s a deeply introspective one for you. You might find yourself reflecting on the past. Don’t run away from any emotions that may surface. Feel them. Process them. If you’ve been avoiding anything, it’s important that you address it now. Any pain, anger, or grief you’ve suppressed, dig it out and face it. This is you finally cutting your attachments to the past. A chapter is closing, so that you may turn the page to a new one.