Jean-Daniel Francoeur

3 Zodiacs Who Will Experience Soul Rebirth This Spring

As the spring equinox brings flowers to bloom, it also calls for a rebirth of the soul. These three zodiacs can expect a sense of rebirth and renewal as they move forward into blessings, abundance, and positive personal transformation. 


Mind over matter, Taurus. Your hard work and inner work are about to pay off in the form of a personal rebirth this spring. Your identity will shift and ascend into higher vibrations as you develop a closer connection to your soul’s evolution. You will revisit the past and take inventory of what did and did not work and connect to how powerful you really are. This means letting go of the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you and moving forward into the abundance mindset that showers you with all the blessings you were always deserving of. 


It takes two to tango, Gemini – but only one to cut ties. This Spring, expect a change in your relationships as you start to let go of toxic people which will allow you to move forward into your highest timeline. You will notice that as the flowers start to bloom, so does your newfound motivation to look more deeply within and appreciate all the beauty inside of you and surrounding you. Count your blessings and watch them multiply. 


Never say never, Capricorn. The soul rebirth that awaits you is one that has been calling you for a long time, and as you transform yourself into your highest version this spring, you will gain access to all the blessings that were meant for you. Connect to the self-love you need to give yourself and stop engaging in self-sacrifice to please others. You were not meant to live a life starving for what you desire; your destiny is to be fulfilled, loved, and abundant.