V Marin

3 Zodiacs Whose Beauty Transcends Time

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying the other signs aren’t pretty. But these three zodiacs have something that stands the test of time. Making an impression is not something they struggle with, and that impression will last for years to come. In some cases, the beauty of folks born under these signs has already gone down in history.


Just like the Sun is the most brilliant and radiant force in the sky, Leo is the most brilliant and radiant of the zodiacs. Their natural glow is impossible to miss, inspiring those around them. They exude confidence — not just in themselves, but in their loved ones, often encouraging others’ talents. Their fiery passion is contagious.

There’s more to Lions than just self-confidence, though. As the royalty of the jungle, Leos make great leaders. Their vibrancy keeps their team motivated to reach their goals, and the fixed aspect of their sign gives Leo the endurance and stability to keep going. They have warm and sunny dispositions and take it upon themselves to speak out against injustice. It’s not uncommon for Leos to go down in history for their stunning accomplishments.

Leos are unafraid to be their true selves, and their timeless beauty is a result of their dazzling authenticity. Of course, their tendency towards bold fashion choices augments their outer beauty too!


Aquarius is known as the rebel of the zodiac, but this can sometimes be a misnomer. What Aquarii actually want is to make the world a better place, and they will spend countless hours theorizing and philosophizing about how to do this. The beauty of Aquarius really comes pouring out when they are given the opportunity to put all that thinking to use. Often ahead of their time, an Aquarius will revel in sharing their ideas and helping others. They are innovators and humanitarians.

Aquarius individuals are also exquisitely unique. They have no interest in following the beaten path, but are happy to show you the picturesque route they’ve been trailblazing. Curious and observant, they make great listeners, plus they try their best to give helpful advice. Talking with Aquarius is like hiking a new waterfall trail – you might not know where you’re going, but you know the water is clear and the air is fresh.

As symbolized by the Water Bearer, Aquarius gifts the world with a stream of spiritual energy. Ruled by Saturn, god of time, in classical astrology, Aquarius’s inventive ideas and love of humanity are beautiful fountains that continue to flow through the ages.


Sweet and sensitive Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. These fish show the delicate balance Pisces keeps between reality and the imagination or the illusory, between their exterior and interior selves. Pisces leads a life that is just as rich inside as out, sometimes appearing dreamy or, at worst, detached. However, these same fish in Pisces’ constellation are also the fish that, in Greek mythology, saved Aphrodite and her son Eros from Typhon. Grateful for their help, Aphrodite placed them in the sky as a reward so that they could shine forever. Obviously, having the favor of a goddess of love and beauty and her son, whose name is where the word “erotic” comes from, can only add to Pisces’ allure. In other versions of the myth, these stars are actually Aphrodite and Eros themselves.

Pisces is the last of the twelve zodiacs, meaning they have accumulated the lessons of all the other signs. Like Aquarius, Pisces has a powerful sense of right and wrong, but like Cancer, Pisces is incredibly in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of those around them. Like Taurus, they are strong and opinionated, but as a mutable sign, they are more willing to admit when they are wrong. All of this accumulated wisdom makes Pisces a fantastic advice giver. Pisces individuals are great listeners and very observant. They are passionate lovers and workers, but recognize the value of letting some things go. It’s important to them that a job well done is recognized and appreciated, whether that job was done by them or someone else.

Pisces not only care, but put in the effort to understand. They have the unique ability to see the beauty in others, inside and out, and guide them through whatever troubles may come their way. These wonderful attributes are what give Pisces truly timeless beauty.