4 Birth Months Who Always Deliver On Their Promises
You should surround yourself with people who you can trust. People who would never back down on their promises because they are genuine and always mean what they say. They follow through on what they say they’re going to do for you, and if they ever have to break a promise, they will have an understandable explanation and an apology to give you. Here are the birth months who always deliver on their promises:
People who are born in August lead with honesty. They always deliver on their promises because they don’t want anyone to doubt their word in the future. They want to be a reliable, trustworthy person that everyone can count on. Plus, they hold themselves to a high standard. They aren’t going to be able to sleep at night if they know they’ve let someone down. They are going to feel like they’ve let themselves down if they fail to follow through on what they said they would do. They want their actions to line up with their words. They want to be seen as someone with integrity.
People who are born in February are as honest as they come. They aren’t going to say what you want to hear if they don’t mean the words. They aren’t interested in manipulating anyone. Even when they want to impress someone else, they are their most authentic selves because they only want to surround themselves with people who like them for them. They don’t want any fake friends and don’t want to be fake themselves. Since they aren’t involved in any trickery, and they don’t change their minds frequently, you can always count on them to follow through on promises. If they decide they’re going to do something, then they are going to do it. Overall, they are too mature to make false promises.
People born in May don’t have time for games. They mean what they say because they don’t have the energy to keep up a lie. They would struggle to keep their facts straight because they are too authentic to remember any lies. Besides, they can’t stand it when other people fail to follow through on their promises, so they certainly aren’t going to break any of their own promises. They want to be the best friend, partner, and coworkers that they can possibly be. Which is why they aren’t going to trick you on purpose. If they break a promise, it’s because there was no way for them to possibly follow through — and they will give you a genuine apology soon.
People born in November aren’t interested in BS. They aren’t going to tolerate lies and they aren’t going to tell them. They will always deliver on their promises because they are brutally honest. They will be straightforward with you about what they are willing and capable of doing for you. Even if what they say is going to make you unhappy, they will come right out and say it. They aren’t going to play any tricks in order to impress you or make you like them more. They would rather be honest.