4 Birth Months Who Have Been Feeling Like All Their Effort Goes To Waste
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4 Birth Months Who Have Been Feeling Like All Their Effort Goes To Waste

It’s exhausting to try your hardest but have nothing to show for it. Keeping up the strength and the energy to continue trying day after day when you aren’t seeing any results is incredibly difficult — but you aren’t the only one feeling so discouraged right now. Here are a few birth months who have been feeling like all their effort goes to waste:


You’re a go-getter. You make trying look easy — but no one realizes just how frustrating this journey has been for you. You always put one thousand percent of your effort into everything that you do. You never take shortcuts or half-measures. But putting so much energy into things that aren’t even working out in your favor has been exhausting. You feel like you should be closer to your goals by now. You feel like you deserve to be recognized for everything you do. But you need to remain patient. Even though waiting sucks, especially when you’re unsure if you’ll ever see the results that you want, it’s what you have to do. You can’t give up on yourself. You’ve come too far for that.


You care so much about everyone around you and everything that you set out to do. You never take your responsibilities lightly. You get done everything that needs to get done. You are reliable and consistent. But where has it gotten you? Lately, you’ve been questioning whether all your effort is worth it because it doesn’t seem to be paying off. And trying so hard is exhausting. It’s stressful. It has been causing you more pain than you’d like to admit. Remember, it’s okay to take a break when you feel yourself burning out. Your hard work will be worth it in the end, but that doesn’t mean you should kill yourself to reach your big dreams, or to make the people around you happy. Rest and recharge. Then you can get back to it when you’re ready.


You aren’t afraid of hard work. You are willing to put in the time and the energy it takes to achieve your big dreams. The only problem is, you don’t feel like you’re anywhere close to achieving those dreams. If you knew it was a guarantee that you’d succeed, you would be able to summon the strength to keep up the momentum. But since you’re so unsure about what the future holds, about whether all this work you’ve been investing into your goals is ever going to pay off, it’s getting harder and harder to find a reason to continue. But you can’t worry too much about your end goal. Worry about the journey. Worry about doing what your heart wants. If this is where you know you’re meant to be, what you know you’re meant to be doing, then you’re on the right track.


Usually, you’re pretty optimistic, but lately, you’ve been wondering whether you’ve been completely wasting your time. Whether you should be sitting back and enjoying life instead of always pushing yourself to reach new goals. But you don’t have to pick between the two. There can be a balance. There’s time to play around and time to work hard. Don’t give up on what you’re trying to achieve — but don’t devote every second of your existence to it either. Give yourself time to have fun with the people you love the most. That way, even if you don’t feel like you’re making progress in one area of your world, at least you’re enjoying the other areas.