Luan Albarracin

4 MBTI Manifestors Who Can Turn Any Dream Into Reality

Of all the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicators, 4 are powerful visionaries.

These idealists can easily make their wishes come true, simply by embodying the state of their wish fulfilled. Of course, everybody can manifest their desires, but some MBTIs are better equipped to believe in their dreams before they ever take shape in 3D. Read on to learn whether you’re one of the lucky few for whom manifestation is as natural as breathing. 


Blessed with charm, enthusiasm, and exuberance, this MBTI manifests wonderful things through their naturally high vibration. By acting as if something fabulous is always about to happen, ENFJs continually turn lemons into lemonade. Thanks to their natural optimism, this Myers-Briggs type can manifest health, wealth, and happiness for their entire lives. It also helps that ENFJs prefer floating downstream to swimming against the tide. Their faith in the Universe amplifies their manifestation powers.


Like all master manifestors, ENFPs have vivid imaginations. Their ability to conjure their dream state rapidly turns thoughts into matter. Fortunately, this MTBI tends to dwell on positive thoughts, making it easy to manifest anything from money to love to prize winnings to legal victories. ENFPs also don’t waste valuable time worrying about how their wishes will materialize—they’re just confident their dreams will come true.


The secret to this MBTI’s manifestation success is their rich inner life. When unfavorable circumstances arise for INFJs, they turn their attention inward. Abandoning themselves to a fantasy life enables this Myers-Briggs type to turn a boring existence to one of tremendous fulfillment. When INFJ wants to speed up their manifestations, they simply have to imagine using their fabulous good fortune to enrich the lives of those who are less fortunate.


INFPs have the courage of their convictions. This deep identification with good values allows for instant manifestations. Unlike many other Myers-Briggs types, INFPs don’t doubt their inherent value. As a result, they can easily conjure fabulous wealth and robust health. Attracting a quality partner is also easy for this MBTI, whose loyalty and devotion is extremely attractive. Endlessly creative, INFPs can make a lot of money simply by doing what they love for a living.