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4 Physical Signs Your Body Is Telling You That You’re With The Wrong Person

How do you know if you’re with the wrong person? Well, your body just might tell you. Here’s how:

Gut problems.

Sure, maybe you have IBS. Maybe you have anxiety. But maybe your body is really just noticing that you’re with the wrong person.

Do you feel those butterflies every time you see or hear from them? According to psychologists, that sensation is actually anxiety, our body’s fight or flight response to stress. Your stomach is full of nerves, so when you’re stressed or anxious, your fight/flight/freeze response is activated and this can set off the balance of your digestion.

In my last relationship, my ex and I spent every weekend together. I was constantly in a state of bloated, no matter what I ate or didn’t eat. The bloating was aggressively painful too, like sharp pains in my gut. A couple of months after we broke up, I noticed I had less bloating. I was still eating the same things I would eat with him, but I wasn’t in pain.

People always say to listen to your gut. But seriously — listen to it.

Muscle tightness and tension.

When you are stressed, anxious, angry, or upset about something, your body tenses. You might not necessarily notice it, but most of us are in a constant state of tension. (If you’re reading this, relax your shoulders. Unclench your jaw.)

When you’re with the wrong person, you will notice the tightness in your body. It might be in one spot behind your shoulder blades or your lower back or all over.

While, yes, this tightness and tension could be caused by other physical aspects (maybe you had an accident or maybe you sit at a desk all day with poor posture, for example), being in a stressful relationship is going to take a toll on you that way too.

Difficulty sleeping.

You might find that you have a hard time falling and staying asleep. When the fight/flight/freeze response is activated by a stressful situation (or relationship), you might find that you have difficulty sleeping. Your body is on high alert to your surroundings

Feeling fatigued or generally uncomfortable.

If you’re feeling discomfort in your body or just feel worn out for no reason, don’t overlook the possibility that it might be a reaction to your relationship. When you’re in an anxiety-inducing relationship, you’re not relaxed. You’re on high alert for your surroundings. When you’re stressed, your body works overtime to take care of you, so it’s natural you’re gonna feel exhausted. Don’t ignore that!

Your body can speak to you. Learn its language. Trust it.