4 Zodiac Signs Facing A Critical Crossroads In Life Right Now


The choice before you is an emotional one, Virgo. Are you going to let your anger take the steering wheel, or dig deeper and address the pain that lies underneath? You know how to use your rage as a shield to protect you from your more vulnerable feelings, but today could be the day you try another coping mechanism out for a spin. Think of it as a test drive. You don’t have to commit to anything quite yet, just consider the alternatives. You never know what’s going to stick. Maybe talking to a close friend will take the edge off. Maybe starting therapy will provide more clarity. Maybe letting that aggression out at a boxing gym will bring you a sense of inner peace. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who can make the call.


The choice you are facing, Aries, is wrapped in the guise of a compromise, but really it’s about whether or not you want to be committed. Is the person you’re with the one you want to stay with long term? If the answer is yes, turning down whatever opportunity you’d jump at if you were still single would be a no brainer, but if you’re having doubts, this situation represents a potential escape route. It’s the perfect excuse for you to exit the commitment without having to truly reject someone. You can just lean on the fact you found a job in Paris, or on a cruise ship, or on tour with your favorite musician and leave it at that. But if it’s love, will you really be able to walk away so easily?


The choice you must work through, Taurus, is about who you want to be. You have the opportunity to follow in someone else’s footsteps, but you have to ask yourself whether this individual sets an example you want to replicate. Maybe being the loudest, most aggressive person in the room can get you to the top, but once you’re there, will people trust you? Will they have good things to say about you? Would they recommend you for a future opportunity? Sometimes we all have to play the game a little to make progress, but you can decide how you want to play it. Fairly? With dignity? In a way that doesn’t compromise your morals? Ask yourself whether this potential mentor can help you achieve those goals.


You’re facing a choice you’ve encountered throughout your entire life, Sagittarius. Are you going to stick with your choice now that it’s become a chore? Are you going to see the project through to the end, or are you going to give up because it represents a true challenge instead of a fun anecdote you can tell at parties to make yourself sound interesting. Are you going to repeat the same tasks and exercises again and again and again to make a modicum of progress at a time, or will you walk away from the endeavor altogether? Is this the time in your life where you toughen up and commit to what you started? Where you find out exactly what you’re made of? Or you alright leaving yourself guessing again?