4 Zodiac Signs Receiving A Dose Of Tough Love Under The Cancer Full Moon (1/13)
The full moon on January 13 occurs at 23° Cancer at 5:26 PM EST, in very close conjunction with retrograde Mars. While the influence of the red planet suggests a more intense, explosive, and reactive form of emotional expression, this can be a positive time for those whose natural approach to confrontation is less aggressive and more compassionate, as they can neutralize opposition.
As you might know, moon cycles follow a consistent six-month cycle, with the new moon reflective of abrupt change in a particular area of our individual lives, and the full moon bringing closure—sometimes in the form of positive rewards, other times in the form of rude awakenings that direct us back onto the path we’re supposed to be on. We reap what we sow: this is a consistent theme in the pattern of moon cycles.
So what can you expect this time around? This particular full moon is closing out a cycle that began in early July 2024, so you might find it helpful to flip through your journal or email inbox to see what was beginning to take shape in your life last summer.
At the collective level, this full moon is unlikely to go unnoticed, especially with its troubling conjunction to masculine Mars in detriment in the feminine sign of Cancer. The growing tension between men and women will be highlighted at this time, coming to a head this week in the form of increased hostility and potential violence.
But who’s going to be the most personally impacted? Those of you with personal placements at or very close to 23° of any of the cardinal signs will certainly experience the most internal and external pressure. The cardinal signs, each of which kicks off a new season of the year, are associated with action, initiation, and leadership.
As the full moon illuminates your fourth house, you can expect a chapter of your domestic and family life to come to a close, bringing with it blessings that are either rewarding or challenging—or both. With Mars, the ruling planet of your ascendant as well as your eighth house, so closely in conjunction with the full moon, it is inevitable that whatever change occurs will have a shocking impact on your sense of identity and your connection to other people’s resources. You might experience some form of ego death as you navigate sudden wealth or loss. Some other possible manifestations of this energy include the birth of a new baby, the sudden need to relocate, and conflicts with relatives.
This full moon is all about you, as it lights up your first house and closes out a chapter of self-improvement and personal development. Mars, which rules your tenth and fifth houses, is in very close conjunction with the full moon, suggesting you are about to be elevated into a position of greater influence and power. If you’ve spent the past half a year quietly rebranding yourself, you are now being invited to step into the spotlight and claim the leadership role you are deserving of. Don’t expect it to be easy. If anything, there will be more pushback than ever. But if you have faith and keep moving forward, you will quickly find an audience for your unique artistic expression. If it’s not a creative project you’ve been trying to conceive but a literal baby, you might receive very good news around this time.
With this full moon shining light on your tenth house, you are the star of the show, ready to bring your specific strengths and abilities to a larger platform. You will bring your natural diplomacy to the world stage and speak truth to power with unshakeable conviction. Mars, which is in close conjunction to the full moon, is the natural ruler of your seventh and second houses, indicating that you will be supported by close partners and allies, most likely receiving financial blessings in the form of patronage, investment, or donations. If you are happily partnered or married, you can expect your person to provide a supportive and encouraging home for you to return to, even if your new public persona is not so easily accepted. And you can certainly expect that there will be haters coming out of the woodwork, projecting jealousy and insecurity onto you. Remember that despite your tendency to avoid confrontation, a friend to all is a friend to none. It’s time to take a stand, regardless of who you might offend in the process.
This full moon highlights your relationship sector as it brings breakthroughs in your seventh house. A casual relationship that began in the summer may become more serious now; some of you will end this week engaged. On the other hand, others will kick their situationship to the curb, tired of mixed messages and lack of commitment. The impact of Mars’ close conjunction with the full moon cannot be ignored, and since it rules your fourth and eleventh houses, you can anticipate complexities unfolding within your family and your larger social network. Friends and relatives may disapprove of your partner (or your choice to leave them), stirring up conflict that is unavoidable. Try to keep a low profile and do not publicize your relationship on social media. You never know who might be praying for your downfall, and there is tremendous power in keeping a private life.