4 Zodiac Signs Who Continuously Outrun Their Problems
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the tiny problems that require our constant care and attention. Whether fretting over ongoing assignments at work or worrying about when we’ll have time to visit the supermarket, problems have a way of mounting up like fast-piling snow drifts, causing us ample amounts of stress, worry, and anxiety. While some people prefer to tackle these issues head-on, others seem inclined to ignore their problems entirely, shifting their focus elsewhere in the hopes their worries will resolve themselves on their own.
You have a habit of focusing on the here and now, Aries, allowing you to glory in the joys of the present rather than worrying about the uncertainty of the future. From partaking in intense romantic relationships to venturing abroad on last-minute vacations, you hurl yourself at every opportunity with inspirational dedication and a complete lack of hesitation. However, one can construe your fearless personality as a mechanism to avoid facing specific problems, affording you a chance to detach yourself from these issues and embark on the next exciting adventure ahead.
A perpetual people-pleaser, you have a tendency to take on other people’s problems instead of actually addressing your own. In some cases, this might mean providing a shoulder for your best friend to cry on after a break-up, or volunteering to help a family member move into a new apartment. As benevolent and selfless as your intentions are, this characteristic inadvertently causes your own issues to worsen over time. Just as you’ll never finish a long novel by continuously starting new books, you need to learn to focus on one issue at a time, starting with the problems affecting you first and foremost.
You don’t want to get bogged down in emotional subjectivity, Aquarius, regularly turning your attention away from matters of the heart. Unfortunately, this essentially means that you have a way of ignoring your personal problems, letting them stew and fester until they come to a rolling boil. If someone were to ask you about a specific issue you’ve been suffering through, you’d glibly respond, “Everything’s fine,” refusing to utter another word about it. Preferring to hide behind a stoic mask of unreadable emotion, you’re most comfortable when it seems like everything is going to plan (even when it isn’t).
You don’t necessarily outrun your problems, as you do constantly forget about them until it’s far too late. Whether talking about a late credit card payment or last-minute birthday gift shopping, your tendency to disappear into your own mind can trigger untold consequences in the waking world around you. You may tell yourself you’ll get these problems worked out eventually, but it takes a tremendous amount of concentration and willpower to sit down and actually get them sorted out.