Daniel & Hannah Snipes

4 Zodiac Signs Who Need To Trust The Process In February


The process isn’t always your process, Gemini, but that doesn’t mean you should trust it any less. I’m not proposing a total laissez-faire approach to life, or promising that you can manifest your wildest dreams just by having faith, but when push comes to shove, we all have to deal with the parts of life that are outside of our control. We can go with the flow, or swim against the current, or wash up on shore and cry over the smooth ride we were expecting and didn’t receive. Or we can bide our time, consult a map, and see where this detour will take us. Trusting in “the process” is trusting in our own ability to navigate towards a destination of our choosing, even if we change our minds along the way. 


Sometimes the process is another way of saying “going the wringer”, Capricorn. It can feel like there is no silver lining to the experience, only the solitary process of documenting, quantifying, or analyzing our own suffering. It’s okay to call it what it is. You don’t owe anyone positivity or gratitude for the parts of life that take so much out of you that you start to doubt what, if anything, is left. But when happiness follows our pain, we can look back and draw a correlation instead of causation. We were sad, and now we are happy. Not, we are happy because we were sad. Sometimes what comes next is so good we’d be willing to go through the wringer all over again, not because it was necessary, but because it’s what got us there.


The best way for you to understand the process is to compare it to building a capsule wardobe, Taurus. Sure, you could technically go out and purchase all the quality basics you need in a day, but it’s more likely you’ll spend days or weeks comparing different vendors, colors, styles, or reviews before selecting the items you just can’t live without. And slowly but surely, you’ll keep adding the building blocks to the collection that expresses your authentic self, or selves. The same is true of life, Taurus. You’re not going to find the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect apartment, the perfect friends all in a day. And perfect simply means what’s best for you, what fits, what makes you feel good, what compliments the other pieces.


Trusting the process means taking your losses along with your wins, Aries. Rejection is a bitch, the thing we want to avoid at all costs, but what matters most is how we choose to respond to it. Do we get back up, dust ourselves off, and try again? Do we acknowledge how painful the process is, and choose to risk feeling this way again in order to keep trying for our dreams? The answer is always yes, Aries. Even if we never win an Oscar, or a Super Bowl, or a Michelin star, knowing we gave something our absolute all is always less painful than living with the regrets of what if. Nothing is promised to us, but very little is truly impossible. Quitting out of fear only means holding yourself back from the experience, from living.