Brandon Woelfel

4 Zodiac Signs Who Will Thrive Under The Libra Full Moon

It’s that time again, friends—another full moon is upon us!

We know that approximately every 28 days, the moon moves entirely through its cycle and ends in a glorious full phase. In astrology, full moons indicate closing or completing a chapter. It’s often a significant period of reflection regarding an astrological season and can be the push we need to release situations that are holding us back or give us closure as we move on to the next phase.

This full moon, happening on April 6th, is in the diplomatic sign of Libra, and it has us shifting our focus to others in our lives. While Aries season is when we pay more attention to ourselves and our needs (which isn’t a bad thing), Libra is the sign that asks us to look around at our partnerships and relationships and consider what is happening within them. Libra is known for its love of harmony and beauty, but it’s important to remember that to restore balance, sometimes Libra has to make tough decisions to make that happen. Additionally, the moon is in opposition to Chiron, or the “wounded healer” asteroid, which opens up the possibility of healing issues and setting aside grievances, even if it isn’t easy.

That said, this attempt to restore balance and immerse in creativity/love can have some positive effects—particularly for some specific signs. This full moon is ready to shed some light on important areas, and it can result in some very promising opportunities. Check out your zodiac sign/placement below to see if your sign will thrive these next few days!

Libra (All personal placements)

Calling all Libra placements! While the Full Moon will specifically affect Libra risings, it will also transit any personal Libra placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). The Full Moon is appearing in your 1st House of Identity and Self, which is a great moment to reflect on how you as a person have changed or grown, particularly in the way you show up in the world. This can be an excellent opportunity to release shame or guilt about past mistakes—they do not define you—and to fully embrace the person you want to be. You may also experience a major shift or opportunity that allows you to step even more into your identity. Don’t be afraid to accept these moments!

Gemini (Rising)

Gemini Risings, you’ll certainly be feeling a shift this Full Moon. It’s taking place in your 5th House of Creativity and Romance, which could signal an illumination or realization about how you create or indulge and enjoy romance. While this could mark an ending to a project or connection, it is also a chance to make way for newer things in these areas. With Chiron in Aries in your 11th House of Friendships, you may even have attention drawn to the wounds in your friendships that may hinder your creativity. The good news is you could also experience some serious inspiration in these areas that may push you to go for the things you truly want rather than what others think of you. It’s okay to let loose and let new things in!

Capricorn (Rising)

Your career is getting the spotlight during this full moon, Capricorn. It’s appearing in your 10th House of Career and Public Image, which could illuminate where you’re going in this area. This moon may indicate a change of direction is needed to fully align with what you want and who you are. It also could signal the ending of a particular project or concept you’ve been working towards that you can finally set aside to make room for whatever comes next. You may also feel tension regarding a work/life balance and how to achieve it, but this moon will give you ample time to reflect and reroute the way you’ve approached things so your day-to-day can be far more fulfilling than it has been lately.

Virgo (Rising)

With the Libra full moon in your 2nd House of Income, Material Possessions, and Values, you may notice some focus placed on your financial situations. While this moon may push you to reflect and reconsider how you spend and manage your money, it also can help you restore some balance and get your money matters under control. You may decide to take a firmer, more decisive approach in the way you handle money and find your relationship with it strengthened—which can only be good for your wallet and your mental health.