Daniella Urdinlaiz

4 Zodiac Signs Who Would Benefit From Setting New Moon Intentions On 1/11


This New Moon will be squaring off with the nodes of fate and will be in your tenth house of power, success, and aspirations. You’d greatly benefit from setting intentions in regards to your career advancement and profession. Don’t be afraid of your inner voice calling you to hone in on your true desires for your professional life. Right now the universe is presenting you with a new door that leads to greater achievements, you just have to choose to open it. The stage is being set for you to realize the dreams of your vocation. Meditate on what you want to accomplish and write those things out to set your intentions. Make a plan for how to get closer to your goal in the next few months. Show the universe that you’re ready and have the power to take the lead in your life. It also wouldn’t hurt to make a pitch, send out prospecting emails, or take some time to polish up your resume or business website.


As the luckiest sign of the zodiac, you’re about to get a whole lot luckier with this New Moon making you a potential magnet for money. Your sector of personal finances, resources, resourcefulness, material possessions, financial security, self-worth, and values is being activated. It’s important to remember that your financial success is directly linked to your personal attitude and perception of self. Use this New Moon to set intentions regarding how you view yourself in both your success and failures, and on developing a more positive perspective on your challenges. No one ever said anything worth having was easy, right, Sag? It may be tough and excruciating to get where you want to be, but by framing those obstacles in a new light it will become more manageable—and you’ll be more worthy. Be sure to also write out your financial goals, make a plan to get there, reassess your budget and spending, and think of ways to make your wealth grow. 


This January 11th is bringing the most important New Moon of the year for Capricorns, as it falls in your zodiac sign. You need to use this New Moon to set precise intentions for what you desire, for new beginnings, for what you want to become, and for how to realize your bestest and highest self. How can you celebrate and honor your unique individuality? How do you want to perceive yourself and others to perceive you? You can also take this time for a personal rebranding or a makeover. It’s your time to shine, Cap! If you’ve yet to create your new year’s resolutions, this New Moon is calling you to do so with the high chance of manifestation on your side. What do you want to leave behind in 2023? How can you stay true to yourself and your vision in 2024? What do you want your career and relationships to look like? What toxic habits and patterns do you need to kick? How do you want to experience new situations? How do you want to respond to being seen?


This New Moon, you have to put yourself first, Aquarius. It’s important for you to take some alone time not just to recharge, but to work on setting some goals that you hope will come into fruition this year. This New Moon is powering up your dreamy, psychic twelfth house of the subconscious, mysteries, fantasies, hidden desires, secrets, intuition, and fears. Any intentions that you set on this day will be amplified by the New Moon. Brainstorm and visualize what you want to manifest in 2024. Take some time to ask yourself what aspect of your life you’ve outgrown. What is no longer serving you or helping you grow? What habits do you need to release and which do you need to adapt to come closer to what you want to achieve? What passion or desire have you been running from? What inner calling have you been ignoring? Everything you desire can be yours, Aquarius. You just have to be willing to say it and show the universe that you’re willing to do what it takes. Don’t succumb to your fears.