4 Zodiacs About To Encounter A Close Call
Even though there’s nothing you can’t handle, Virgo, there are some things you’d just rather not have to deal with. You will just barely avoid a run-in with that last person you want to have to navigate a conversation with – be that your ex, the last person you ghosted, or your professional nemesis. While you never shy away from stirring the pot when that’s the most genuine expression of your true feelings, taking a complete detour around the pot entirely is never a bad idea, and fate will create such a redirection in the nick of time. Guard your mental health, and count your lucky stars. Some problems can be avoided so long, they just…disappear. Remember, if you don’t pick at the scab, it’s bound to fall off on its own.
Libra, you will catch a major mistake while editing your own work before it has a chance to become a larger problem. Let this be a lesson to slow down and take your time. Your best work is never your rushed work, and you’re only human. Burning the midnight oil when your inner tank is empty will never yield quality results. Take some time to rest and reset, and then come back to the drawing board. Your heart and mind are in the right place, and now it’s simply a question of nailing the execution. Who cares how many times you have to rework something as long as you get it right. Put your focus on the result you want to achieve, not how quickly you can get there.
You are going to come in first, but just barely, Aquarius. You assumed this competition would be a shoe in, and your arrogance will bring you dangerously close to the brink of embarrassment. This is your reminder to remember where you came from, how hard you worked to get here, and how important it is not to take your foot off of the break now that you’ve made it. There are people just as hungry and motivated as you once were vying for their well-deserved shot. Don’t insult the competition – welcome it as a reason to keep pushing yourself to your full potential. It’s never embarrassing to lose when you give it your all, but when you don’t take the situation seriously, that’s a different story.
You should always be your authentic self, Aries, and never shy away from expressing your true thoughts, but there is a time and place to say things tactfully. You will come very, very close to putting your foot in your mouth in front of the wrong people, and it will teach you to think before you start spouting off the very first things that come to mind. Time adds perspective and polish to your knee-jerk first impressions, and you are capable of accurately and effectively communicating your opinions in a responsible and mature way. Being sloppy or lazy is just a cop out. Your oratory prowess isn’t meant for a quick draw duel in the wild west, it’s a game of chess that requires much more strategy and planning.