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4 Zodiacs About To Start A New Life Chapter In March 2024


Capricorn enters into a relationship that is so completely different than any they’ve had before. Meeting this person changes everything for them, or at least it feels that way at first. The way they see themselves, the way the world looks, the way they want to get out of bed first thing in the morning. But at the same time, it feels like Capricorn has always known this person, has always existed in relation to them in some capacity, even if from a distance. Like an old pen pal, whose voice they’ve only imagined in their mind before finally hearing it out loud. It’s uncanny and unsettling, but will ultimately lead to something so incredibly fulfilling and stable for Capricorn in the long run. This is only just the beginning. 


Taurus is about to find the thing they’re really good at. They’ve never felt a calling or a vocation, weren’t a child prodigy, and didn’t have a career picked out by the time they entered high school. It’s not that they weren’t good at anything, they’ve excelled in many areas, but never really zeroed in on any single task or endeavor. All of that is about to change. The moment things click into place, the first time they make pasta from scratch, or pick up a paintbrush, or step onto the pickle ball court, something is going to feel like home, like putting on a glove that was tailor made for them. The hole that’s been empty will be filled, emotionally and mentally, allowing them to tap into a new kind of joy as an adult.


Aries is going to stop apologizing for things that aren’t their fault to begin with. They’re done being servile and timid for the sake of politeness, and are going to adopt the attitude of a blackjack player. They’ve paid their dues to for a seat at the table. They know what elements of the game involve skill and which involve chance. They will take the credit they deserve, and stop making excuses for everything else, whether they win or lose. It’s not their job to clean up anyone else’s mess, or to take the blame for something that was outside of anyone’s control. Life is too short to be trying to be the safety net that catches everything mid fall. Things are going to fall, things are going to break, and it’s not Aries fault. They can free themselves from that guilt.


Libra starts acting like the person they want to become. They put on the clothes, they do the tasks, make the plans, walk the walk, and eventually going through all of these motions becomes the new norm, becomes their home base. The life they inhabit becomes the life they’ve built for themselves, one step at a time. This month is the crucial moment where they pivot from desire to action. From saying I want that job, that car, that hobby, and going out and getting it. It’s having the guts to dress differently, watching the news, reading every morning, trying a brand new exercise, and then watching something that was so scary at first become second nature. Something automatic, that you almost take for granted, but never cease to see a benefit from.