Emil Salman

4 Zodiacs Experiencing A Self-Awareness Breakthrough With Mars In Cancer (9/4-11/3)


With Mars as your ruling planet, transits associated with this planet are of particular influence. A shift into intuitive Cancer contrasts against your typically action-oriented, assertive nature. This shift inspires you to get in touch with emotional depth, a quality typically less visible to outside onlookers. These next weeks of life may feel particularly slow for you, as the values and people in your life may cause your perception to slow down, soften, and become aware of things that once remained unnoticed. As the quote by Wayne Dyer goes, “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This includes the way you see yourself, the impact you have, and what you are truly capable of.


As the sign housing Mars, you are likely to experience an enhanced focus on personal goals and aspirations. Typically known for your sensitive nature, the contrast between this planet’s assertiveness and your emotional sensitivity ignites clarity and motivation inside you. Bringing to light more elements of the darkness, you may find yourself taking risks and being more direct in how you approach aspirations. Now is a time for dreaming, and in the process of opening your mind, you’ll ironically see the person you’ve always been.


As Mars enters Cancer, a fellow water sign, the meeting of ambition and emotional sensitivity brings a period of re-alignment. Naturally driven to commit to your goals, you struggle not in finding motivation to keep going, but in staying too committed when things are no longer serving you. You can get so streamlined that it’s hard to see the innate value inside yourself. This shifts as Mars enters Cancer, bringing about a softer approach for identifying goals and aspirations. In these next few weeks, give yourself space to see things differently. You’re allowed to change and adjust the passions you commit to. Others are here not only to celebrate your accomplishments, but the person you are beneath them all. The latter is perhaps more important.


As a sign who learns through experience and action, you’re no stranger to the magic of adventure. Mars pushes you to focus on the ambitions that excite you, and equally gifts you with a sense of direction in knowing where that next curiosity lies. As Mars enters nurturing Cancer, your sense of ambition is met with a sensitivity that touches on emotional needs and desires. These next few weeks are a period for deeper self-reflection and a more introspective time. Embrace what may feel like an energetic “low”, as the questions you’re asking illuminate the path forward.