Alina Rossoshanska

4 Zodiacs Experiencing Relationship Breakthroughs With New Moon In Libra (10/2)


Opposing Libra on the Zodiac wheel, happenings in this sign tend to impact you with a greater tenacity. As a passionate and intensity-driven sign, becoming overly focused on individual goals, actions, and achievements may lead to lopsided social and romantic relationships. During this New Moon in Libra, qualities of love, beauty, and harmony underline your innermost thoughts and feelings. This New Moon may bring out a softer side in you, perhaps triggering feelings of regret or remorse for previous actions. Now is not the time to get hard on yourself, but rather to soften into the deeper lessons these insights bring.


Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, you’re gifted with a practical sense in bringing ethereal values to light, Taurus. As an earth sign, you express a work ethic unparalleled in day-to-day execution. This New Moon in Libra will serve as an emotional and energetic reset, a short period of darkness that quickly illuminates where the future light is pouring through. The relationships and how you choose to engage with the world will help you let go of old patterns in service of a higher, more aligned vision. You understand the way you show up, matters, and part of being a good partner is leading from a place of self-love rather than in hopes of winning over a prized other.


Sensitive and intuitive, your connection to the moon is unparalleled, Cancer. Like the moon itself, you thrive in stages of cyclical living. A New Moon provides an opportunity to reset, engage in introspective work, and set intentions for the season ahead. With the New Moon in Libra on October 2nd, themes of social relationships, partnership, and harmony will surface in the darkness and subsequent birth of what’s to come. Embrace your capacity for emotional depth, and you will soon engage in nurturing relationships more openly. As for now, staying rooted in your own energy, first, is all you need to restore before the days of external work ahead.


Prone to becoming absorbed in work and productivity-based commitments, social and romantic relationships may tend to fall wayside. During the darkness of the New Moon, pings of intuition will strike in terms of what remains unbalanced. Where and how our priorities manifest are individual differences, and this wisdom is something only you can intuit for yourself, Capricorn. Although complex emotional experiences can feel jarring, welcoming them with open arms is key to understanding what patterns and priorities need to change. This New Moon in Libra, intentions and interpersonal values are coming to light. Your work is to reach a place of acceptance, and your persistent action will undoubtedly follow.