4 Zodiacs Feeling Lost In A Snow Drift This December
Gemini is fighting against mother nature herself this month, insisting against all better judgment to continue forward absurdly. Intent arriving at the metaphorical party on time, even when all their senses and intuition are telling them to slow down, pull over, and heed caution. Gemini gets so set on what they planned to do, what they have to do, that their tunnel vision completely blinds them to the realities around them. Sometimes we simply cannot carry out the tasks we’ve committed to. Sometimes conditions are too difficult to continue on as planned. Sometimes the journey is much more arduous than we can handle. Gemini needs to come to the acceptance that this situation is simply beyond their control, relinquish the responsibility, and have the patience for things to lighten up. Roads will clear in time.
Libra is feeling embarrassed this month. Whatever snow drift they find themselves lost in is territory they know like the back of their hand. It’s a routine or a responsibility they complete with their eyes closed, but suddenly, everything is out of place. They’ve lost all sense of direction and have no landmark to orient themselves to. Everything looks the same no matter where they turn, and there aren’t even any footsteps for them to trace back to home. It’s terrifying to feel this scared and powerless in a place or situation that’s supposed to feel like home. In this scenario, it’s okay to ask for help. To use the tools and technology available. To call on another person to help you maintain your bearing. This metaphorical inclement weather will pass, and the most important thing is for you to remember to stay calm.
Virgo is trying to be a hard-ass in their snow drift this month. “I signed up for this,” they’ll tell themselves, pretending they have the capacity to enjoy deliberate and senseless suffering. Virgo likes to think they have a desire to push themselves past their limits, to go to great lengths to learn exactly what they are capable of. But there’s no one there to prove yourself to. No record to beat, no prize money to win. You’re doing this to yourself. Maybe because you feel like you deserve to be punished, or maybe it’s because you’re too afraid to admit to yourself that you enjoy being comfortable. That you’ve softened in some way this year. Depriving yourself isn’t going to prove anything. It isn’t going to make it hurt any less if all the things you actually want blow up in your face. So find your way home, Virgo—don’t leave your own happiness waiting.
Taurus has the dedication of a mail carrier in their metaphoric snow drift this month. They’ve made a commitment, and no matter what weather comes their way, they have a responsibility to carry out the task at hand. Even when it seems impossible, their inner stubbornness becomes a productive force that refuses to let them give up. They trust that even if a solution doesn’t seem available, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. So they slow down and buckle in for a long ride. Taurus knows it’s not going to be easy, but they truly see no other option. Someone has to do this job. Someone has to keep going when things get tough. Their integrity and resilience is the core of their identity. Even if it’s just one person counting on them, they will do everything in their power not to let them down.