4 Zodiacs Making Vital Decisions During The Strawberry Full Moon In Capricorn

The first full moon in Capricorn is here, and it’s time to get down to business!

This Cancer season, we will experience two full moons in Capricorn. The first, named the “Strawberry full moon,” will occur on June 21st, and it’s ideal for us to decide what we need to release to feel more secure in our lives. Capricorn is a pragmatic, dedicated sign willing to work hard for what it wants. However, this can also lead to biting off more than we can chew, and this full moon is asking us to set aside the things we have carried for far too long to make room for what life has in store for us.

While all the zodiac signs will be affected by this full moon energy, a few signs will find they are making important decisions. Check your sign below (Sun and Rising) to see which signs will be most affected during this full moon in Capricorn.


Are your relationships where they should be, Cancer? This is your focus during the full moon in Capricorn occurring in your 7th House of Partnerships. While romantic relationships are on the table, so are your friendships and business partnerships. You feel a great sense of responsibility towards the people you care about, and you’ll work tirelessly to ensure they have everything they need. However, it’s essential to reassess your connections to see how balanced things are, especially if your close connections seem to take advantage of your kindness and generosity.

Additionally, you may find you’re expecting others to read between the lines and figure out what you need without communicating, which isn’t going to help your relationships flourish. During this period, you’re making decisions about what needs to occur to make your relationships work or even which ones have run their course and need to be released. You know the types of companionship and care you deserve, and you’re not settling for less.


What do you want and need out of life to be who you are, Capricorn? As the full moon appears in your 1st House of Self and Identity, you’re diving deep into what makes you, you. You can notoriously be hard on yourself, especially when carving your place in this world. However, the moon is giving you permission to release the expectations of others about who or what you should be and gives you space to determine what you want out of life. This can be easier said than done, especially for a sign who likes to do things by the book. However, you won’t be happy trying to fit into a mold others made for you. Who are you when you are the person controlling the narrative? 


Are you where you want to be in life, Aries? This full moon in Capricorn is pushing you to ask yourself this important question as it appears in your 10th House of Career and Public Image. You are ambitious and aren’t afraid to take on a challenge, but sometimes, we lose track of what we want and instead settle for what we think is the right path based on societal expectations. You may work a job that you’re highly skilled in, but is it what you want for yourself and your life? Are your dreams worth pursuing? It’s time you were honest with yourself about what you need to let go of to have the life you want and what you’re willing to do to bring that vision to life. 


Are you taking care of yourself, Libra? As the full moon illuminates your 4th House of Home and Roots, it’s time to focus on your ability to rest and recharge without guilt or shame. You may reflect on your childhood and become more aware of how the ways you were raised have impacted your life, for better or worse. What habits could you do without that might help you create the safe, secure environment you need? You also may need to revisit your boundaries (or lack thereof) around rest and keeping your personal life private. Not everything is meant for public consumption, and you shouldn’t be expected to overextend yourself to appease others in these ways. What does life look like when you remember you have a right to protect yourself and your peace?