4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than With Pessimist Partners

4 Zodiacs Who Are Happier Single Than With Pessimist Partners

Some zodiacs enjoy ranting and talking trash with their partners – but other zodiacs prefer to be surrounded by people who look on the bright side. People who inspire them to think positively instead of being all doom and gloom all the time. Here are the zodiacs who are happier single than with pessimist partners:


Even though you try your best to think positive, you consider yourself a cynic. You have your fair share of complaints and get worked up pretty easily, which is why you need someone who balances you out. Someone who is going to give you reasons to think optimistically when you feel like the world is about to crash down around you. You don’t want to be with another pessimist because you would bring out the darkness in each other. You would much rather be with an optimist who can rub off on you and help you enjoy the lightness in this world. Although you have nothing against pessimists – you are one, after all – you would be happier single than with someone who is always expecting the worst.


You’re happier single than with a pessimistic partner because you have been the happy-go-lucky, cheery person in the relationship before, and it is exhausting. You don’t want it to feel like your responsibility to get them in a good mood when all they do is bring down your mood. You don’t want to be tasked with cheering them up constantly. While you understand that everyone has rough days and they have a right to complain, you don’t want a partner who only complains, who is never satisfied, who always finds reasons to sulk when you’re trying to enjoy the moment with them and have a good time.


You’re happier single than with a pessimistic partner because negativity exhausts you. You can’t stand when people poke holes in your fun, when they ruin a perfectly good date with small, petty complaints. You want a partner who brings out the best in you, who causes more smiles than frowns. You don’t want to think about the worst case scenario. You want to enjoy the moment. You want to make every second count. Although you would never judge someone for being negative, you don’t want that energy in your life. You want your partner to at least try to look on the bright side, try to be a good sport, try to laugh along with you.


You’re happier single than with a pessimistic partner because you’re a dreamer. You can’t date someone who tries to ‘bring you back down to earth’ and acts like your goals are unrealistic. You need someone who encourages you and supports you. Someone who believes you have what it takes to succeed. If they’re overly negative, doubt you, and point out all the flaws in you, then you don’t want them around. You want to keep positive influences close. Negativity isn’t something that you need when you’re trying to better yourself and your situation.