4 Zodiacs Who Are Searching For A New Passion In Life
Virgo is always searching for external validation in their endeavors, but it only gets them so far. Even when they’ve impressed anyone and everyone who matters, they are still left feeling empty, like something huge is missing, and the truth is it’s their own personal satisfaction. What they really need in life is a calling that they enjoy. Something simple enough that they can take pride in, and go to bed knowing they gave it their all. For a Virgo who cooks that might be peeling and dicing a vegetable as finely as they’ve seen in a cookbook. For a Virgo who loves to travel, it might be researching the best coffee shops in a new city. Whatever it is, it’s about doing something for their own enjoyment, where their personal taste and pleasure are the only true measurements of success.
Aquarius has become disenchanted with what they thought was their passion in life. A teacher who hates school board politics, a hairdresser who can’t stand salon gossip, or a corporate employee who can’t keep up with all of the memos, apps, or shared docs across the organization. Aquarius is such a dedicated sign by nature, the thought of giving up something they’d previously dedicated time and energy to sounds impossible, but they fail to recognize that by staying in something their heart’s not in, they are taking up space that could be occupied by a truer passion. They have to be brave enough to make room for that unknown calling in life that will bring them a deeper, truer happiness. Once they take that first step, the answers they seek will follow.
Sagittarius gets hung up on other people’s obsessions. Professional athletes, authors who write a book non-stop from first page to last on hardly any sleep, bakers who make hundreds of batches of baguettes until they’ve perfected the recipe and technique. But Sagittarius doesn’t feel as strongly about any one thing in their life. They are well-rounded creatures. They like to read, to exercise, to socialize, and spend time alone. They feel like they give up on everything too easily, without giving themselves enough credit for trying a little bit of everything. The passion they seek is a calling that puts their diverse knowledge to work. Maybe they’re meant to be a librarian, pointing everyone towards their own cup of tea. Maybe a guidance counselor or a coach. The point is their broad experience is an asset, not a liability.
Capricorn is seeking community as their passion. As an only child or individual contributor in their career, they’ve been dying to have the experience of teamwork or collaboration. Of finding a group of people with whom they can share a goal or motive, and work together to reach it. Capricorn needs to play a sport, or be in a play, or join a band. Something where they can watch their own efforts come together with others to become something much greater in a composite whole. Capricorn is just longing to bond with others over that shared experience. To make friends that feel like family because they have decided to be ‘in it’ together. The loneliness they feel today is propelling them exactly where they’re meant to be.