Anete Lusina

4 Zodiacs Who Are Taking Secrets To The Grave


Cancer has done more self-reflection and traveled farther on their own healing journey than any other sign of the zodiac. They are slow to open up, but will eventually give you a rough outline of the struggles they’ve been through. The detail and color of that sketch, however, is something they’ll take with them to the grave. The specifics of their suffering, the long, lonely nights wondering when, if ever, things would improve, and the steep, strenuous path to healing is something they’d rather keep to themselves. It’s not a fear of sharing that’s the problem, but the knowledge that to truly understand what they’ve been through, someone would have to walk that same path themselves. Some life experiences just can’t be communicated in words.


Aries is loyal to a fault. If you tell them a secret, their lips will stay sealed under threat of prison time, torture, or societal ruin. They will take the fall for a friend without second thought, rather than betray someone’s trust. Buried treasure? Aries will hide your map. Lifetime crush on your best friend? Aries will make sure you don’t blow your cover. Secret identity? Witness protection program? Farting in public? Aries is the one and only person who will have your back through it all. Consider them a vault. A password with capital and lowercase letters plus numbers that aren’t your birthday and a symbol. There is no one more worth you could place your trust in than this noble ram.


Gemini is a magician jealously guarding their most coveted tricks. They will never reveal the methods of their magic, will never share the tips and tricks behind their personal planner, or how to juggle ten projects at once. They’ll never share their chocolate chip cookie recipe that sells out every bake sale, and they definitely won’t tell you where they buy their logo less athleisure on sale. Everything about them that is perfectly put together and appears totally effortless in an absolutely impossible way is classified, top secret, burn after reading information. Not even to be shared with their closest of kin. Because said secrets are the source of their allure and power. If everyone could do what a Gemini does, it wouldn’t be special anymore.


Libra is such a rule follower, living life by the book, down to the punctuation marks. But the secrets they’ll take to the grave are the things they did that they knew were “right”, but still felt wrong on the inside. The exceptions they wanted to make, the leniency they wanted to show. The favoritism they didn’t let cloud their judgment or affect their decision making, but still broke their heart anyways. Upholding the same standards for everyone means letting the people you love fail. It means sticking to your boundaries, breaking up with someone for lying, quitting a job that doesn’t align with your values, or grounding your kids for being five minutes late, no matter how hard you want to sweep it under the rug.