Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Can’t See What’s Right In Front Of Them On March 5


Taurus isn’t seeing their full ability or potential, even when looking directly in the mirror. There is something holding you back from your own confidence. Something convincing you you don’t know what you’re doing, and you don’t deserve the responsibility you’ve been trusted with. All that needs to change. And fast. There is too much at stake for you to let this opportunity to rise to the occasion pass you by. Whatever you don’t know can be learned. Whatever resources you don’t have can be acquired. The thing you want to do has already been done by someone before, and there is no reason that you can’t also achieve the same heights. Just pick up the first block and start building your own future.  


Virgo can’t see that this is a today problem. The thing you’re losing you literal mind over today, will eventually be a non-issue. You will reach a point in your life, sooner than you even anticipate, where you will even forget this happened. That this level of frustration existed. The anxiety and irritation build up to such an extreme that you can’t even acknowledge the plethora of things and time and space outside of them. But there is a a world, a life, outside of this problem. Contemplate your own insignificance in the universe. Use it as a tool to disconnect from the drama. Whether the e-mail gets dealt with, or the group chat deescalates, or your neighbor stops making so much noise, the sun will continue to rise and set. 


Aquarius can’t see the love that surrounds them for what it is. Too often, you get caught up in not wanting to be a burden. Not wanting to ask too much of others. Not wanting to take up anyone else’s time or effort or energy. But what you fail to realize is that people are more than willing to share all of that with you. They want to have that kind of relationship. Want to support you, make you feel seen and valued and cared for. You cannot always be the only one who gives, Aquarius. You need to learn how to receive and reciprocate. To trust in a pattern of give and take where no one is keeping score. You deserve it, and have earned it.


Capricorn can’t see that the thing they’re worried about isn’t their problem anymore. It’s hard to turn off an entire section of the brain that’s been working overtime for so long, but the time has come to let go. Unplug, untether yourself from this responsibility. You’ve put in your time, and seen this through as far as you were meant to take it. I know it can seem irresponsible in a way, to leave something incomplete or unfinished, but in this case that’s more than you owe the situation. You are harming no one. Breaking no codes or ethics. Not everything we touch in life goes full circle, and that’s a lesson worth learning. Your increased energy and mental capacity will be put to better use. Just trust in the process.