4 Zodiacs Who Feel Guilty When They’re Not Working Nonstop
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4 Zodiacs Who Feel Guilty When They’re Not Working Nonstop

My twisty new thriller, The Guilty Twin, follows two women in their twenties who are plagued with guilt over the lies they’ve told and the mistakes they’ve made. In honor of it becoming available for pre-order, here are a few zodiacs who feel guilty when they’re not working because they feel pressured to always be productive (even when that’s not actually the healthiest move to make):


Aries, you have huge dreams that you would like to accomplish sooner rather than later. You understand that in order to reach those dreams, you’re going to need to put in the hours. You’re going to need to make certain sacrifices — but your mental health shouldn’t be one of them. Even though you feel guilty whenever you give yourself time to rest, you need to remember that there’s more to life than productivity. If you keep pushing yourself to the point of burnout, you aren’t going to get anything done at all, so it’s better to pace yourself. Give yourself permission to relax because you’ve earned it.


Virgo, you are way too hard on yourself. Your expectations are sky high, so you’re always pushing yourself harder and harder. While it’s important to challenge yourself and have high hopes for yourself, you don’t want to turn into your own worst enemy. You don’t want to avoid taking vacation days and mental health days in order to prove something to yourself. You deserve rest, even on the days you feel like you haven’t done enough, even on the days you feel guilty for laying low. You’re doing so much better than you think, so relax a little. Give yourself a break. You’ll come back with more energy to work toward your dreams anyway.


Capricorn, just because you’re capable of pushing through the exhaustion doesn’t mean you should. It’s unhealthy to work every second of every day. You need to give yourself some time to rest and recharge or you’re going to end up hurting yourself. Yes, you should be proud of yourself for being such a hard worker, but you need to remember that work isn’t the only thing in the world that matters. You should search for happiness outside of it. You should find other things that give your life meaning. Keep working hard when it’s time to get a job done, but when your work hours are over, let yourself unwind.


Aquarius, you feel like you always need to be doing something productive. Otherwise, you feel like you’re wasting your time. Like you’re throwing away your shot at success. While it’s true that you need to work hard to reach your goals, that doesn’t mean you should be working nonstop. You need to rest too. You need to give your brain the chance to shut down and think about nothing for a while. It’s not lazy to spend a day watching your favorite shows or hanging out with your favorite people. It’s an act of self-love and self-respect. Your mind and your body need a little rest.