4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Focusing On Work To Ignore Their Feelings

4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Focusing On Work To Ignore Their Feelings

There’s nothing wrong with dedicating a ton of time to your work since most dreams require effort to reach. However, you don’t want work to be your entire world. And you certainly don’t want to be focusing on work as a distraction in order to ignore your feelings and avoid dealing with problems you should be handling. Here are some zodiacs who have been focusing too hard on work to ignore their feelings:


To you, most feelings are inconvenient. You would rather ignore them in order to focus on your responsibilities and remain productive. You would rather do the smartest thing on paper and avoid drama. But you can’t run away from your feelings forever. Even if you could, you would be doing yourself a disservice. Yes, some emotions might be painful, but there are positive ones too. If you push away love because you’re scared of getting your heart broken, you’re also pushing away your chance at happiness. If you push away your problems because you’re scared of the stress, then you’re pushing away your chance at a solution, at fulfillment and comfort. Overall, it’s better to face your problems now than to keep pretending they don’t exist. You’re a smart, capable person, so you’re going to be fine.


You are an incredibly passionate sign. When you let yourself think about something (or someone), you have trouble focusing on anything else, which is why you’ve been distracting yourself with work. You would rather throw yourself into a new project and become obsessed with it than let your mind wander toward more dangerous territory. You’ve been dedicating every moment to your work so you don’t have enough time to spend on anything else — whether that may be healing or grieving or crushing. But this is a recipe for burnout. You can’t make your whole life about work. You’ve been focusing on this to protect yourself, but really, you’re going to end up hurting yourself if you keep it up.


You like to keep your head down and get to work. After all, you know what you’re doing when it comes to your career and your passions. You feel capable and sure of yourself. Meanwhile, in other areas of your life, you feel lost and uncertain, vulnerable and uncomfortable. You’ve been focusing on work because it’s easier. You would rather challenge yourself intellectually than emotionally. You would rather focus on work problems and ignore personal problems. Your entire focus has been on work lately because you need a distraction. But you can’t distract yourself forever. Eventually, you’ll have to deal with these feelings. You can’t procrastinate forever.


You’re always able to help others deal with their problems — but you actively avoid your own. You don’t want to think about what’s wrong. You don’t want to examine how you feel. You simply want the emotions to disappear. And the best way to make that happen is by distracting yourself with work. You feel like this is a much better way to numb yourself than the coping mechanisms other people use, so you feel like you aren’t doing anything wrong. But you’re still avoiding what should be front and center of your mind. You’re still putting off what you know you need to do, what you need to figure out. You owe it to yourself to get in touch with your feelings, to treat yourself with more kindness, to listen to what your heart is telling you.