4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Working Too Hard This December
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4 Zodiacs Who Have Been Working Too Hard This December

Some zodiacs have been taking it easy this month since the year is winding down. But other signs are still working as hard as ever. They want this year to end with a million accomplishments under their belt, so they haven’t given themselves time to rest. Here are a few zodiacs who have been working themselves too hard this December:


Aries, you are always putting one hundred percent of your effort into everything you do. You never take the easy route because you are unafraid of hard work. You are willing to put in the hours. But just because you have the ability to push past the pain and keep going doesn’t mean it’s the healthiest way to live. This December, you’ve been working too hard. You haven’t given yourself any type of break, but you deserve to rest. Yes, you technically could keep going and going until you burn out. But it’s much safer (and more fun) to set aside time to relax and recharge.


Virgo, you have a hard time relaxing because you want every single day to be productive. You would rather fill your schedule to the brim than have free, uninterrupted hours where you have nothing to do. But that mindset needs to change. You need to learn how to be okay with stillness and silence. You need to learn to pamper yourself, to give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing. You don’t want your whole life to be about work. You’re allowed to be proud of what you’ve accomplished and you’re allowed to have lofty goals, but you should have non-career goals too. There should be other things you want from this world, aside from a raise or good reputation.


Libra, you have been physically and emotionally spent this December. You’ve been running around, trying to do a million things at once. But you aren’t superhuman. You can’t expect yourself to handle everything on your own. And some things you’ve taken on aren’t even your responsibility. You need to learn when to stand back and allow your loved ones to take care of themselves, and you need to learn when to say no to avoid taking on too much at once. This month, you’ve been multitasking way too much. You’ve been putting way too much pressure on yourself. But you deserve a break. You deserve to relax a little.


Aquarius, you have huge dreams that you want to achieve in this lifetime. Since you feel like the only person you can rely on is yourself, you’re always working toward completing them without any outside assistance. You rarely let yourself rest because you don’t want to end up with regrets. But you’ll have regrets if you never relax too. You’ll have regrets if your whole life becomes about work and you never give yourself time to play. You should be proud of yourself for how much you’ve accomplished and how hard you’ve been trying, but that hard work deserves a reward. It deserves a rest.