4 Zodiacs Who Hold Themselves To A Higher Standard Than They Hold Their Boyfriends
Twenty20 / kidero_ag

4 Zodiacs Who Hold Themselves To A Higher Standard Than They Hold Their Boyfriends

It’s good to push yourself and challenge yourself — within reason. However, you shouldn’t feel like you’re a terrible partner when you make a small mistake, especially when your partner is making way more mistakes. You don’t want to date a hypocrite or become one yourself. Here are some zodiacs who constantly hold themselves to a higher standard than they hold their partners:


Virgo, you’re always incredibly hard on yourself. You feel like you’re never doing enough and are constantly pushing yourself to do more. But you let your partners get away with doing the bare minimum. You don’t hold them to the same standards that you hold yourself, which isn’t fair to you. You deserve to be with someone who goes above and beyond to make you happy, who isn’t afraid to put in the hard work. It’s wonderful that you’re willing to do so much for your partner, but they should be willing to do the same. The relationship shouldn’t be one-sided.


Cancer, whenever you make the smallest mistake, you’re going to beat yourself up about it for weeks. But when your partner makes a small mistake, you forgive them immediately and tell them not to worry about it. You give them way more grace than you give yourself. While you don’t necessarily have to be harsher on your partners, you should at least be more gentle on yourself. Don’t convince yourself it’s the end of the world when you do the smallest thing wrong. You’re only human. You’re bound to mess up, and chances are, it’s not that big of a deal. It’s going to be okay.


Even though you can be pretty judgmental of complete strangers, you never judge the people you decide to date. You feel like they can do no wrong, like they are perfect in every way. You put them on a pedestal, which means you naturally think less of yourself. You panic whenever you make a small mistake because you’re terrified of sending this person running. You’re terrified of losing them. But you need to remember that you have plenty to offer. You can’t keep assuming your partner is settling and they’re the catch or the relationship can easily grow unbalanced. It’s dangerous to hold yourself to such high standards because no one else expects you to be perfect, your partner included.


Sagittarius, you’re a hard worker, so you never want to slack. You hold yourself to a high standard because you’re confident you can reach it. But if you’re always challenging yourself, you’re bound to burn out. You would never want your partner to keep going until they explode, so why would you expect yourself to do the same? You need to start treating yourself with the same love and respect you constantly give your partner. You need to remember that it’s impossible to do it all and you can’t fault yourself for falling short sometimes. As long as you tried your best, that’s all that matters.