4 Zodiacs Who Make The Best Roommates
Some zodiacs prefer to live alone so that they have plenty of space and privacy. They aren’t big fans of sharing apartments or bedrooms because they need a lot of time to themselves. However, other zodiacs are happy to have a full house. They enjoy spending time with others and bonding in ways that only roommates can. Here are some zodiacs who make the best roommates, so you don’t have to think twice about living with them:
Cancers are extremely considerate. They’re always putting other people before themselves, which means they’re going to be ideal roommates. They will work hard to keep their space tidy and keep the volume to a reasonable level. If you need help with anything, they won’t hesitate to drop what they’re doing and come assist you. Most of the time, you won’t even have to ask them to get involved. They will volunteer on their own. Plus, they will frequently go out of their way to check in with you and make sure that you’re okay. When you’re living with this sign, you’ll never feel alone because they’ll always have your back.
Virgos are reliable, mature, and dependable, so if you ask them to do something, they’ll get it done. This sign is all about communication, so if there’s any drama between roommates, they will gather everyone together and discuss the issue like adults. Since they’re problem solvers at heart, they will be able to effortlessly work out solutions that will keep everyone happy. They’re also happy to create schedules and scribble information on calendars so that everyone knows what their responsibilities are and when it’s their turn to perform a certain chore. When you’re living with this sign, the house will run smoothly.
Sagittarius are hard workers, so they aren’t going to turn the other way when you need assistance or leave all of the chores to someone else. They’re going to do their fair share without complaining. Plus, this sign won’t hold grudges or act petty, so if there’s ever a problem in the household, they’ll be able to deal with it like an adult, then forget about it. They aren’t going to try to get back at you for playing music too loud or inviting over strangers by doing the same. They’ll simply forgive you and move on with their lives. As long as you don’t keep making the same mistakes again and again, they’ll be cool with it. They’re laidback like that.
Aries are independent, so they’re going to do their own thing most of the time. They won’t be home all that much, so you won’t have to worry about them getting in your way. Even if there’s some conflict between you, Aries are blunt. Instead of acting passive aggressive and making you feel like you’re walking on eggshells for months, they’ll tell you what’s wrong immediately so you can deal with the problem right away. The faster it’s out there in the open, the faster you can fix whatever is wrong. Even better, when you’re living with an Aries, you’ll get whisked away on random adventures every once in a while. It’ll be fun AF.