4 Zodiacs Who Must Embrace A Post-Winter Purge
It’s almost the spring equinox (Mar 19, 2025), which can only mean one thing! It’s time to clean out your living space from all the serotonin shopping you did over the bleak winter months. If you are these four signs in particular, you definitely need to partake in spring cleaning to get your space ready for the bright, sunshine-y months ahead.
Virgo, you already know you’re an organizational queen and like to live a clutter-free life. You likely don’t live a maximal life in your living quarters just because of your desire for perfectionism, but you’re not impervious to impulse shopping. So, it’s time to replace those winter-themed art pieces with something a little brighter. Let yourself live a little, too! It won’t hurt to show some of your personality in your space, even if it doesn’t look perfect.
Sag, we all know you love to travel, and the wanderlust can take over. Which means you make have traveled to a few warm places over the winter months and you can’t help yourself to pick up a few trinkets everywhere you go. Sometimes, your scattered energy can leak out into your home, though, and it’s time to tidy up. Find a cute vintage chest or shelf to start collecting your mementos in instead of throwing them all on your nightstand.
It’s your time of the year, babes, and to prepare for the season of you, it’s time to clean. Consider that decluttering your space will help you step into a new era that can showcase your fiery passion instead of an impatient rampage. Donate those clothing pieces you bought over the winter that you don’t really like but looked cute online. Consider looking into a local vintage shop where you can exchange some of your old, tired furniture with new pieces that feel “you.”
Cancers, things may look clean, but that’s just on the surface. Under the bed, in closets, and your junk drawer are tons of items you forgot about but have an emotional attachment to for some reason. I promise that just because you’re seeing them now and love them doesn’t mean you have to keep it. Let’s be real; you didn’t even realize you had it until now. If you haven’t used or worn it in over six months, it’s time to let it go.