4 Zodiacs Who Need A Good Cry This December
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4 Zodiacs Who Need A Good Cry This December

You can’t be happy all the time. You’re human, so there are going to be days that don’t go your way – and that’s okay. You don’t want to push away your upsetting emotions. You need to let yourself experience them so you can process them and move on from them. Here are the zodiacs who could use a good cry this December:


As the year comes to an end, it’s hard not to think about all the goals you are still struggling to achieve. Especially when everyone else is celebrating their wins on social media and in holiday newsletters. While everyone moves at their own pace and you shouldn’t fault yourself for the position you’re currently in, remember that it’s okay to cry tears of sadness or anger or frustration. You’re allowed to let out all those feelings that you have been bottling up for months now. It’s not silly to cry. It’s not childish. It’s healthy. Express your emotions, even if it’s uncomfortable for you.


This time of year can be painful because the holidays get you thinking about the past. There are so many wonderful people who used to be a part of your world who are no longer with us, whether they have passed on or simply have stopped keeping in touch. Instead of distracting yourself from these uncomfortable thoughts, it’s okay to let them in. It’s okay to have a good cry. It’s dangerous to pretend that everything is fine when you have knots in your stomach. Let yourself feel. Let yourself cry. Let yourself reach out for others when you need to have a conversation – or a shoulder to lean on. You won’t be bothering anyone. They’ll be happy you trusted them enough to share your thoughts.


You need a good cry this December because you have been forcing yourself to keep it together for too long. You have been pressuring yourself to be the ‘strong one’ in order to support the people you love, but that’s not your only role. You are allowed to be the one who needs a hug sometimes. You are allowed to be the one who breaks down sometimes. Stop acting like you don’t have the right to fall apart – because you do. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to complain. You just have to pull yourself back together again afterwards.


You need a good cry this December because you aren’t always the most honest about your emotions – with yourself, most of all. While distractions can be good for you at times, you don’t want to completely ignore what your heart is telling you. You don’t want to keep putting off the healing process. Although it might feel ‘pointless’ to cry because it won’t solve any problems, it can actually be soothing. It can be a good release. It won’t magically solve whatever has been bothering you, but it has the potential to make you feel better again, at least a little.