4 Zodiacs Who Need To Make A Big Change In Order To Find Happiness
Aries needs to embrace the contradictions in their lives in order to find happiness. They can be the introverted extroverts, the stay at home moms who are also entrepreneurs, the child geniuses who also don’t know how to use a microwave. The big change Aries needs to make is to stop trying to justify and explain the parts of their life that just don’t seem to go together. Juxtaposition exists in every life. Human beings are complex, messy, disjointed things. We make mistakes, we are confusing, and sometimes we don’t make sense. So if you’re an Aries who’s into Love Is Blind and Battlestar Galactica, you can let both of those facets of yourself exist side by side with literally no explanation. This is a very long-winded way of saying be yourself, unapologetically, but you get the gist.
Taurus gets hung up on doing things to the extreme. Buying the designer original, the top rated product, making the coveted reservation, but their own happiness depends on them embracing the budget, DIY version of some of their dreams. You can’t have Nobu for dinner every night. You can’t vacation in paradise every week. Being sick in bed is not a fashion show, and it happens to us all. The things that take time and effort and planning are always more rewarding than the thing you acquired by swiping a credit card. Replicating that Michelin dish, decorating a space you’re happy to come home to, knitting a sweater with your own two hands. It’s not about settling or leaving your dreams behind, it’s about showing yourself there is a middle ground. Go big or go home isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. Sometimes it’s better to go home with something just the right size for you.
Gemini, learning to course correct is going to be the biggest challenge of your life, but it will also be the most rewarding. You are so accustomed to digging in your heels, crawling and clawing your way to the finish line, convincing yourself the suffering will be worth it, that you don’t know when to cut your losses. Every project you begin (or someone volunteers you for) is not worth finishing. Every book you pick up does not need to be read until the last page. Every relationship you begin is not going to end on a deathbed after a 60 year marriage. Some things are meant to be picked up for a time. Attempted once or twice. Thrown out because they’re cheaply made or of a terrible quality. And that’s okay. You have permission to walk away. To pivot. To decide something’s not for you without having the perfect replacement of something that is. Sometimes quitting is closing a chapter that just has nothing left to be said.
This is a crazy one, Cancer, but sometimes you have to give people a second chance. They are learning and growing, just like you are, and they’re not guaranteed to get it right on the first try. It could be a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, it doesn’t matter. Those walls you’ve built because you don’t want to get hurt again are actually preventing you from witnessing what change, growth, and forgiveness can do to a relationship. It’s likely you are denying the part of yourself that wants to reach out, that wants to say something, the part that wants answers or closure or any other ending besides cutting off all contact. It’s okay to give people the benefit of the doubt or cut them some slack. You don’t need to adhere to a stringent “one strike, you’re out” policy.