4 Zodiacs Who Overshare On First Dates
Andres Ayrton

4 Zodiacs Who Overshare On First Dates

First dates are for getting to know someone new – but sometimes, it’s better to keep a little mystery alive. Unfortunately, these signs aren’t great at keeping any secrets to themselves. They are an open book and wear their heart on their sleeve:


This zodiac sign couldn’t care less about what others think. They don’t follow trends or listen to traditional dating rules about how you should and should not behave during dates. That’s why they aren’t going to tiptoe around what they’re saying. They’re going to be completely honest and speak from the heart. If that ends up chasing someone away, then that’s perfectly fine because they wouldn’t have made a great match anyway. This sign refuses to tell little white lies in order to make a good first impression. They are always unapologetically themselves. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the world approves – because they like themselves and that’s all that matters.


Geminis are one of the most talkative signs in the zodiac. They don’t have a filter, so they will blurt out whatever is on their mind without thinking through the consequences. They might share some of their own deep dark secrets – or blab about secrets they’ve heard around town. They are huge gossips so it’s hard for them to keep juicy news to themselves. They want to share and spread the joy. They might regret opening up later, but in the moment, they aren’t going to be worried about what the other person thinks. They are only going to be worried about having a good time and acting authentic. Their ruthless honesty will rub some people the wrong way – but it will feel refreshing to others.


This zodiac sign is incredibly blunt about their thoughts and opinions. They aren’t going to hold back because they aren’t afraid of confrontation. If their date says something that they disagree with, then they won’t hesitate to start a fight. They are able to hold their own and won’t back down out of fear of embarrassment or of ending up alone. Aries are a confident sign, so they believe that the right person will appreciate the real them. They don’t want to play pretend and trick someone into dating them. They want their partner to get a taste of the real them from the start. Even though they can come across as intimidating sometimes, the right person for them will be thankful that what you see is what you get. Aries are nothing but truthful.


This sign is open and honest about their feelings. Even if they aren’t saying anything, their emotions are written all over their face. They aren’t great at playing pretend because their faces are expressive. Their expressions give away exactly what they’re feeling. Plus, this sign is nosy, so they will want to know as much information as possible. In exchange, they will present as much information as possible. Sagittarius are thirsty for knowledge – about the world and the people wandering around it. They aren’t afraid to have deep, meaningful conversations. They aren’t afraid to overshare because it’s better than small talk.