Nothing Ahead

4 Zodiacs Who Should Make Big Changes On The 7/21 Full Moon


The Full Moon in Capricorn lights up your tenth house of career, ambition, legacy, and reputation. Make some power moves! If you’ve been thinking about making a major life change, especially as far as your profession goes, now is the time to start taking action. Now is the time to quit your unfulfilling job, ask for a promotion, step into more of a leadership role, pitch your ideas to your boss, start that side gig you’ve been dreaming about, reset course, or take charge on a big project. Whatever the objective is that hasn’t left your mind, go for it. If you’ve been feeling lost about your vocation or where you see yourself in the future, use this day to put some serious thought into it. Where do you want to go from here? What drives you? This lunation is offering you a powerful opportunity to carve a new professional path for yourself. All you have to do is be fearless and take the reins—you shouldn’t have too much trouble with that, Aries


You’re going to be challenged once again during this rare second Full Moon in Capricorn, as it transits through your ninth house of expansion, adventure, and worldview. Leaving your comfort zone isn’t something that comes with ease to you, but you should use the power of this lunation to try swimming in different waters. Be more open to exploration, other ideas, discoveries, and how you interpret the world around you. If there’s one big change you make, let it be saying yes more—yes to new places, new connections, new experiences, new ways to maximize your potential. Say yes to more thrills, risks, and spontaneity, Taurus. So much more magic enters in your life once you learn how to take a different approach and embrace the unknown. Let go of your tired ways, fears, and anxieties. Let this lunar event open you up to a whole new world. 


With the Full Moon in Capricorn landing in your powerful house of death and rebirth, now is the time to make an enormous change in your life—and to let go of what’s no longer serving you or helping you grow. Let this lunation be a deeply transformative one for you, Gemini. Wield its powers and energy to propel you towards a more empowered version of yourself. If you want to see this person standing in front of you in the mirror, there are some things in your life you’re going to have to cut out and let die. Break free from your shackles to the past. Let go of any old heartache that has kept you from your metamorphosis. If you haven’t found it, give up on the idea of closure—some things simply just end and all we can do is move on from them. Release any toxic patterns, connections, and situations that hold you back. Make the shifts you have to make, say the goodbyes you have to say, and shed the skin you must shed. 


The big changes you should make during this Full Moon revolve around showing up more authentically and going after your heart’s desires. Stop caring about how you may be perceived by others, and start expressing yourself more freely. If you want more joy and magic, then start embracing yourself for who you truly are. Be unapologetic in your skin, Capricorn. This lunation illuminates your first house of identity and new beginnings, bringing forth a powerful opportunity for personal reinvention and manifesting more abundance into your life. The possibility of achieving any goals you set around this is extremely high. So, it would also benefit you to carve out some time on this day to reflect on what steps you need to take to make your dreams a reality.